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Just got a MPX for the wife, no clue what to buy for magazines. Are the 20 round mags good to have or should I just go with the 30s? Do you prefer to reload to a 20 or 30 rounder? I was thinking about 4 30 rounders with TTI extensions, looking for some insight from those in the know...

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I’d do 2 30s with +11 extensions and 2 30s that have the magazine plug cut back so it fits 34. And 1 20 with a cut plug so it does like 24.   On classifiers Id prefer to reload with a 30 with mag extension on it. Grab it where the base pad meets the mag. Slash it into the gun.  On small tight stages I’d use the 20 stick so you’re less likely bump the mag on walls/ports/stuff

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