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Help me decide - Open Pistol - mill my Shadow 2 or buy a 2011?


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Budget is relative, I’m looking for the best value, hence shooting a Shadow 2 for TacOps. Recently decided I was done quad loading and bought a VR80. Now looking to take full advantage of open rules. Full upgrade or just add the dot to my Shadow 2?



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A Shadow 2 with a dot is a great pistol. Great option. It won't hold a candle to a 2011 open gun but if your on a budget it's a great way to go. You could always mill your slide and shoot it for a while while you save up for a 2011.

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I’ve owned a few STIs (DVC 3-gun, Edge, etc) and they were great shooters. I just always felt I performed equally as well with the Shadow2. I don’t want to spend $5k on some of these truly custom guns... I just won’t shoot it enough to feel it’s worth the price tag. I do realize there is a difference... just few it’s negligible for my 2x / month competition shooting.

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I use my Shadow2 with a slide mounted dot for 3Gun open. Pretty easy to add extended base pads to increase capacity to 20+ rounds. I usually dry fire for a couple days to refresh started cocked with the safety on vs DA. I’ve resisted going SAO in case I forget or need to hammer a high primer FTF.

I haven’t added a comp.

I think there are still advantages to a 2011 open gun, but not enough for me to justify the switch (yet).

I’m also working on a slide mounted optic open Glock. Going to use a 17 slide with a comp, magwells and +3 base pads... then setup a 34 identically minus the magwells for USPSA carry optics. Should be similar enough to switch back and forth.

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You have really answered your own question.  You want to shoot minor (or possibly sub-minor) and don't care about USPSA.  A 2011 Open gun is the way to go if you want to shoot MAJOR.  Otherwise is don't bring much to the table.  Put a dot on your S2 and be done with it.


For years I put a dot on my CZ TS and shot SCSA and outlaw steel with it.  A year ago I finished building a dedicated 1911 Open gun specifically for SCSA.  My times are about the same as with the CZ.  BTW, I originally intended to shoot major out of the 1911 Open.  I'm not allowed to at several clubs, so I shoot minor.  Had I known before hand I'd have to shoot minor, I'd have gone a different route.

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Instead of milling the slide for the optic. what about adding a frame mount for the optic.

Never considered it... any recommendations on a mount and who to install it? I’m in DFW area.

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I used a dovetail mount for mine.  Just remove the rear sight, insert the mount, tighten and mount your dot.  The dot is no higher than the frame mount would place it.  It is reversible and a lot less expensive.  Check EGW for an adapter for your gun and mount.

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That looks great.... how much for the cut if you don’t mind me asking?

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I actually bought the gun all set up from the original purchaser. I’m sure it’s on their website... it’s very high quality work that’s for sure.

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I actually bought the gun all set up from the original purchaser. I’m sure it’s on their website... it’s very high quality work that’s for sure.

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Looks like $160 plus ~$20 shipping. 4 week turnaround.

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I used a dovetail mount for mine.  Just remove the rear sight, insert the mount, tighten and mount your dot.  The dot is no higher than the frame mount would place it.  It is reversible and a lot less expensive.  Check EGW for an adapter for your gun and mount.

Got a picture?

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4 hours ago, Miggz55 said:


Looks like $160 plus ~$20 shipping. 4 week turnaround.

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That first picture is for $75 is what I'm talking about.  

That's the same hole pattern as any optic mount that you'd find on a 2011/Open gun.


Or you could go with the 3 hole mount that is used on the Czechmate.


This is what I just picked up for my TSO, but you could get a smith to drill/tap the holes on the S2 to make it fit as well. They make one also that doesn't have the thumb rest for cheaper if you want




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A dot and large mag on a S2 should get you most of the way there. It's only 3Gun.


However, buyer beware if you're going to feed it a steady diet of 9 Major. There are plenty 75s (admittedly not S2s) with cracked frames down here that have been run in Open Major. Anecdotal evidence suggests that two seasons are about what you'd get out of one. Czechmates/TSs seem fine, slide stop pins notwithstanding. 



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1 hour ago, zdali said:

A dot and large mag on a S2 should get you most of the way there. It's only 3Gun.


However, buyer beware if you're going to feed it a steady diet of 9 Major. There are plenty 75s (admittedly not S2s) with cracked frames down here that have been run in Open Major. Anecdotal evidence suggests that two seasons are about what you'd get out of one. Czechmates/TSs seem fine, slide stop pins notwithstanding. 



Only plan to shoot 9 minor from it.  If I start shooting USPSA again I’ll look for something more appropriate for that sport.

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I am going to give you different advice than the concensus here. "Its only 3 gun" or "its only minor". My answer is it depends how serious you are about the sport. If you aren't super competitive by all means the CZ will give you an inexpensive way to get going with a dot. That said an open 2011 setup for minor is going to be faster period. I run a single port comp and a frame mounted dot and yes the comp works and yes the non reciprocating dot is better. Throw in 170mm mags and if you want to finish well in open 3 gun take every advantage that division offers. Get the dot on the cz start shooting while you start planning the build, most of the good options take both time and money.

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If you decide to go 2011, look at Tommy Guns USA. Jeff does an amazing job on his builds. He has touched in some way most all of my 1911 and 2011's. The llast one he built for me was a dedicated 3-gun 9mm shorty.

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If you decide to go 2011, look at Tommy Guns USA. Jeff does an amazing job on his builds. He has touched in some way most all of my 1911 and 2011's. The llast one he built for me was a dedicated 3-gun 9mm shorty.

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