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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

July 2020 MOM Award winner


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It's been quite a while since we had a new MOM. It's not that we don't have worthy members. It's just been very busy lately. It's time to remedy that. Recently a member has been nominated for the MOM award. He has been a member since 2016. One of his first posts was offering to lend some equipment to a newbie. The majority of his posting is to help others with good advice. He is always available for help with anything, from which gun to use to interpretation of rules. Since joining, he has acquired an almost 1500 post count. Post counts are the least of the criteria when selecting an MOM, unless those posts are ALL to help others. So many of us post to ask for help. This member is all about answering those posts for help. Please join Brian and the Moderators in congratulating our latest MOM award winner..MikeBurgess.

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