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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Hi from North Alabama


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Been shooting since the 70's. I reloaded as a teenager in the 70's and 80's. Then life happened. I got married. Kept my guns, and shot every so often, but not nearly as much as I wanted. I started IDPA a few years ago, and I'm loving it. I may try USPSA and Steel Challenge, too. Right now, though, I really suck at steel targets, I think, because of cataracts. I plan to get that fixed soon. Hopefully that will improve my shooting. Just bought a progressive press to get back into reloading so I don't have to stop shooting matches every time there's a run on ammo. I have to admit, there's more to it than I anticipated. I used to reload rimmed cartridges (revolver, 30-30) on a single-stage. That was very simple. Reloading rimless cartridges on a progressive is proving more involved than I expected.

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