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What Accessories/parts to go with my new 750.

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Just got a 750. Going to be loading 9mm 147 bayou Bullets. 
1. Dillion dies or....?

2. Inline fabrication handle or Dillion roller?

3. Inline fabrication mount or Dillion strong      mount?
4. case feeder from Dillion. 
5.  Mr.BulletFeeder by DAA Powder Funnel 
      This helped a lot with my sdb to    eliminate shaving. 

6.  Light suggestions?
7.  Powder check? 
8.  Any upgrades or add-Ons to make life easier or things run better. 

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Just got a 750. Going to be loading 9mm 147 bayou Bullets. 
1. Dillion dies or....?
2. Inline fabrication handle or Dillion roller?
3. Inline fabrication mount or Dillion strong      mount?
4. case feeder from Dillion. 
5.  Mr.BulletFeeder by DAA Powder Funnel 
      This helped a lot with my sdb to    eliminate shaving. 
6.  Light suggestions?
7.  Powder check? 
8.  Any upgrades or add-Ons to make life easier or things run better. 

1. Dillon does work fine, but for half the price so does Lee
2. I had an in-line fab. handle on my LNL and liked it better than my Dillon roller handle on my 650/1050. The Dillon makes you bend down further to complete the stroke and it ends up hurting my back after a while. The in-line starts further towards the back of the press so the stroke ends sooner and you don’t have to bend down.
3. Never used a mount
4. The case feeder is a must on a progressive like the 650/750 IMO
5. I just got a bullet feeder with my new 1050 and haven’t tried it yet so I can’t comment on that yet.
6. I got a cheap light off of eBay that goes into the center hole of the tool head. Pops out easily to change tool heads. Tons of light, I would buy another one
7. On the 650 I found it easy enough to look into the cases and see the powder lever for a visual check. Allows you to seat/crimp in separate steps of using bullet feeder
8. One of the only ad ons I have is a primer feed shut off and I absolutely love it, on the 750 you won’t need that though.

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. Dillion dies or....?

2. Inline fabrication handle or Dillion roller?  I have the Dillon Roller

3. Inline fabrication mount or Dillion strong      mount?  Dillon Strong Mount
4. case feeder from Dillion. Case feeder is a must have!
5.  Mr.BulletFeeder by DAA Powder Funnel  MBF is a must! Once you get one, you'll thank yourself for the ease of loading
      This helped a lot with my sdb to    eliminate shaving. 

6.  Light suggestions?  Inline fab makes a great light
7.  Powder check? I don't use it, but I've been loading a long time.  Newbies to loading need the extra precautions.
8.  Any upgrades or add-Ons to make life easier or things run better. Look at Snowshoze on Ebay.  I run performance kit, roto cam actuator, case feed stop switch, primer stop switch and the top plate bearing.


I also run Lee dies in 9mm, 308, 243, and 45.  I run a combination of Lee and RCBS in 223.

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You’ve got some good advise on upgrades/parts so I won’t rehash the entire list but I really like Redding dies, they’ve been very consistent for me, but they are more expensive as well. Also I just switched out the MBF powder funnel with the new Shooting Sport Innovations Alpha Powder Drop Funnel and it’s so much better than the MBF funnel, I was able to reduce the belling slightly and eliminate bullet shaving that I would occasionally get with the MBF funnel.

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