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USPSA shooting sports behavior

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1 hour ago, aandabooks said:

The only people in this sport that truly annoy me are the ones who do not do their part of the work pasting and resetting.  This is normally fixed for the match with a little high volume reminding.  Of course, they normally go back to their same behavior at the next match.


The other ones are the people who don't seem to have a problem with walking on the stage when I'm doing my final walk through before I shoot. 

So you expect private walk through time ? What part of the rule book supports that ?

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1 minute ago, Joe4d said:

So you expect private walk through time ? What part of the rule book supports that ?


Yes, everyone expects that when you're up to shoot the stage is yours to walk.  If you don't know this you live under a rock.


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yeh but I have a rule book with me.   If I was RO once I scored last target I am heading to the start position and calling the next shooter. Noone is down range of me as I head back up range. Outside a step or two to make ready or adjust a reddot brightness, no you arnt wandering around the COF.. 

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1 minute ago, Joe4d said:

yeh but I have a rule book with me.   If I was RO once I scored last target I am heading to the start position and calling the next shooter. Noone is down range of me as I head back up range. Outside a step or two to make ready or adjust a reddot brightness, no you arnt wandering around the COF.. 


As everyone resets the stage... the on deck shooter gets full use of the shooting area to do their last walk thru. This is complete by the time you get back with the timer.

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1 minute ago, Joe4d said:

yeh thats pretty typical, during scoring and reset,  MikeG's comment sounded like he expected a cleared range for him to walk around in.

I read it as... the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th shooters down the list shouldn't be doing the same thing the on deck guy is doing. Which is often something that happens at every single match most of us go to.

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11 hours ago, chgofirefighter said:

 I often wonder if this is a local thing or does this happen elsewhere? 


Based on driving in your part of the world (If Chicago drivers trigger fingers are as fast as their middle fingers they must throw awesome splits) there might be a local aspect to it. 

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45 minutes ago, AverageJoeShooting said:

Wait...we all don't get our own private walk through of the stage? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I've been doing it wrong this whole time!!

I'd say. . .that depends.

If you're the first shooter on any given stage, you don't have the luxury of your own walk-through while reset is going on, cause it isn't being reset. Locally we generally work on the 5-minute squad inspection/walk-through allowance, same as most other places. But if I'm ROing, I give the first shooter on the squad one last walk-through on their own (with a caution not to take all day). People are grateful for the courtesy and it hasn't ever been an issue for me. It seems like the fairest way to do it.

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1 hour ago, Joe4d said:

yeh thats pretty typical, during scoring and reset,  MikeG's comment sounded like he expected a cleared range for him to walk around in.

I don't know that there's a specific rule to cite, but one thing that happens from time to time: the squad behind you catches up and there are people from that squad in the shooting area trying to do a walk-through during the reset. 

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12 minutes ago, Rez805 said:

I don't know that there's a specific rule to cite, but one thing that happens from time to time: the squad behind you catches up and there are people from that squad in the shooting area trying to do a walk-through during the reset. 


13 minutes ago, Rez805 said:

I don't know that there's a specific rule to cite, but one thing that happens from time to time: the squad behind you catches up and there are people from that squad in the shooting area trying to do a walk-through during the reset. 

No rules but that's where a strong RO comes in. Tell them to stay off the stage until the current squad is finished. Of course if they choose to not listen then you can hit them with the rule book.


Competitorswill be disqualified from a match for conduct which a Range Officer deems to be unsportsmanlike.

Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct include, but are not limited to, cheating, dishonesty, failing to comply with

the reasonable directions of a Match Official, or any behavior likely to bring

the sport into disrepute.

The Range Master must be notified as soon as


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We have always done this every since 1982 everybody arrives at the stage. everybody does a bunch of walk throughs. But when the shooting starts there is no more private walk throughs. Paste Target, reset steel, pick up magazines or brass, whatever. A lot of times even when I'm the next shooter I'm pasting targets or resetting steel to help the Squad Move Along quicker

 It is good sportsmanship. I am not a princess just another shooter.

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2 hours ago, SGT_Schultz said:



On that's interesting, it's always a compliment to have others talk behind your back because in actuality they will never share their feelings with you in person.  People are entitled to think and do as they wish, that's whats freedom is all about.  We all experience our fair share of negativity, it's part of life.  Focus on the positive and move forward~ Jealousy, envy and hatred is poison to the heart and soul, so I prefer not to drink from that poisonous behavior or attitude. 


I paid the price to serve my country both in the military and civil service, and what others think, do or say is not my concern because none have walked in my shoes. 

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4 hours ago, IHAVEGAS said:


Based on driving in your part of the world (If Chicago drivers trigger fingers are as fast as their middle fingers they must throw awesome splits) there might be a local aspect to it. 

lol, most major cities offer some unique driving styles and attitudes.  If you think Chicago is bad, don't visit New York~ 

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I think there is a pretty big disconnect between what people THINK about others on the range but won't say anything directly to the offenders vs what people whine about on forums where they can hide behind their keyboards. As a USPSA Club Match Director I have lost count of how many times one shooter will complain to me about another shooter but they will absolutely NOT talk to the other shooter directly for whatever reason. On one side of the street I realize that I am producing a product (the match) that some consumers feel that I am there to solve all of their issues, including social interaction issues with others. I try my best to handle these situations in an equitable manner. But on the other side of the street I feel that we are all adults and with that comes responsibility in trying to resolve stuff on your own. If you have an issue with someone else, then take it up with them directly in a tactful manner as any functional adult should be able to do.


I also want to point out that its much easier for people to assume that someone will act in a certain undesirable way because of what their classification is or if they have a fancy shooting jersey or not. Over my years of attending matches all over the US and meeting new people its surprising how many times I have heard "You are a lot nicer than I expected being a GM or for wearing a shooting jersey". These people instantly judged me as being a detriment to the sport or squad in some manner simply because of my classification or because I was wearing a jersey with sponsors on it. The solution to this is to not assume anyone will behave in any predicted manner and allow each person the opportunity to set a real first impression based on their actions.


Lastly, if you experience competitors attending matches and acting in a manner that isn't appropriate or respectful of others, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOURSELF!!! Pull that person aside and point out what they are doing wrong along with providing some potential solutions. Most of the time they don't even realize that they are doing something wrong. There are very few people attending matches that are doing negative stuff in an intentional nefarious manner. Most of the time its simple ignorance of the situation. I have lost count of how many times I have attended a local club match, been working my tail off and notice someone on my squad that isn't pulling their weight. I walk right up to them and tell them to quit slacking off and get to work like the rest of us. This may be a little more abrasive or direct than what most others feel comfortable with doing, but guess what, it gets the job done. I call it like I see it with zero sugar coating and everyone that shoots with me regularly understand that reality. If a squad mate whines to me about another person on the squad, I tell them to grow a pair and take their issue up with that person directly. Everyone involved needs to take ownership in keeping the squad on task while also keeping it fun. I don't want to be the task master of the squad. I am there to have fun too.    

Edited by CHA-LEE
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I remember a guy on a shooting forum. He didn't contribute much but when he posted stuff for sale HE TYPED IN ALL CAPS and threatened to BLOCK and DELETE people who didn't follow his specific instructions. Probably a GREAT GUY to shoot with. 

Edited by konkapot
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19 minutes ago, konkapot said:

I remember a guy on a shooting forum. He didn't contribute much but when he posted stuff for sale HE TYPED IN ALL CAPS and threatened to BLOCK and DELETE people who didn't follow his specific instructions. Probably a GREAT GUY to shoot with. 

Wondering when that might come up. 

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