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PCC and activators


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I’m working on a stage design that I was contemplating the shooter starting with an activator in hand. Once dropped it kicks off the stage. My concern here is that Pcc shooters don’t have holsters and of course that means they typically start with their hands full.  


How are you seeing this done?  This object will have a bit of heft to it to ensure functionality. Think a 5lb weight plate or similar. 



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You can legally create a course design that causes PCC shooters to not have their weak hand on the rifle. Some matches do it often. 


Your WSB would be;


“PCC start position: gun held in strong hand only, stock on belt, muzzle downrange, 5lb mystery object held in weak hand.”


If you prefer (and this is what I’d do) both the handgun and PCC shooter start the stage with gun in their typical starting position. In front of them is a barrel with the 5lb object on it.


They’re welcome to move this object onto the activator at any time during the stage and no whining is heard about unusual start positions. Done.



Edited by MemphisMechanic
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If you want them to start with the object in their hands, either make everyone do a table start, or just have them start with the gun in one hand. 


If you have them start in one hand, you give them the choice of shooting while carrying the object (either finding a way to carry the object and have their hand on the gun at the same time OR shooting one handed), activating whatever first and then shooting, or setting the object down and picking it up later (if you allow this). These are the same options pistol shooters have. 

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3 hours ago, MemphisMechanic said:

You can legally create a course design that causes PCC shooters to not have their weak hand on the rifle. Some matches do it often. 


Your WSB would be;


“PCC start position: gun held in strong hand only, stock on belt, muzzle downrange, 5lb mystery object held in weak hand.”


If you prefer (and this is what I’d do) both the handgun and PCC shooter start the stage with gun in their typical starting position. In front of them is a barrel with the 5lb object on it.


They’re welcome to move this object onto the activator at any time during the stage and no whining is heard about unusual start positions. Done.



A bit of a tangent from the OP question, but I did some digging to refresh my memory on this, so I thought I'd share it here:


MemphisMechanic is correct in that you can specify a PCC start position requiring a strong hand only hold on the rifle, this is clarified in this article from the DNROI: http://www.multibriefs.com/briefs/USPSA/PCC_Is_Still_Not_a_Crime.pdf 


This one clarifies that you cannot have PCC start with a weak hand only on the weak side, but you can have weak hand only start with the butt of the gun on the strong side: 



Finally, clarifies "stage briefings may never require the PCC to be fired using only one hand".  The shooter can choose to do so, but the briefing can't require it.


So - back to the OP question... you can have all divisions start with the activator held in one hand, just be specific about the PCC butt of the gun on the strong side.

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41 minutes ago, JohnStewart said:


So - back to the OP question... you can have all divisions start with the activator held in one hand, just be specific about the PCC butt of the gun on the strong side.


The key word in is “require”. You can’t require a weak side start or require them to fire the carbine with one hand. You can, however, allow them to do either of these things as long as they don’t violate any other rules. 


I would probably just have the start be “holding carbine and holding activator in weak hand” and then let them figure out how to solve the shooting problem, same as you would for handgun shooters.


The key to keeping shooters happy is to make sure that the stage is primarily a shooting challenge and not a prop-manipulating challenge.

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Thanks guys. Surprisingly enough PCC hasn’t taken off at my matches like it has elsewhere but last match there were enough to warrant including them in my thought process.  

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