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CZ TS Double firing


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Is this a new gun? Well used? Replaced parts?   new Mags? or Old.   Trigger work?


How many in the mag when it 'machine gunned'? One extra round or did it empty the mag? Where was you finger during this (bounce the trigger)? 

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1 hour ago, frgood said:

Is this a new gun? Well used? Replaced parts?   new Mags? or Old.   Trigger work?


How many in the mag when it 'machine gunned'? One extra round or did it empty the mag? Where was you finger during this (bounce the trigger)? 


Yep. How many rounds does the TS have? It might be as simple as replacing a worn out sear spring, or it may involve a near sear or even a new hammer.


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it's possible only in few conditions

1.not properly adjusted trigger travel cause sear hit hammer half notch and sear edge is ruin.

2.trigger bar don't disengage sear and u need to replace it or change area where it's touch sear leg. too much vertical slide play of the back area of the slide can cause this too.

3.sear spring too weak.

4. if  cz invented new double tap switch and installed it in your gun.😀

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it's possible only in few conditions
1.not properly adjusted trigger travel cause sear hit hammer half notch and sear edge is ruin.
2.trigger bar don't disengage sear and u need to replace it or change area where it's touch sear leg. too much vertical slide play of the back area of the slide can cause this too.
3.sear spring too weak.
4. if  cz invented new double tap switch and installed it in your gun.[emoji3]
#4. Lol
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Twice this week my TS has double fired with one trigger pull. I was speed practicing double taps, and it machine gunned out an extra round. Any ideas?




I have an extra sear unused if u looking for one



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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