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Ruger Super GP100 8 Shot competition revolver.


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MSRP of $1549 is a little high, no ? The S&W 627PC lists on S&W website for $1289. Maybe they can package it with an additional cylinder for 9mm, like they did with the Blackhawk. Maybe also an optic adapter of some kind.

Edited by IowaNewbie
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40 minutes ago, Gomar83 said:

Would you have to  Carmonize the hammer or does someone make a light weight hammer for the GP100?


Unclear whether it would be compatible with a GP100 hammer anyway. Sounds like this might be an entirely new frame for them, somewhere between the GP100 and Super Redhawk

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30 minutes ago, PatJones said:

Meh. Coil Springs don't tune up the same as a Smith & Wesson.

True. But the one I played with was very nice. Not sure how the finished production models will differ from the prototypes. For one, they're not red.

The big bonus is that it's not a Smith. Smith is pretty crappy as far as sponsoring major matches, and Ruger is right there giving out guns and all sorts of prizes. Smith quality is not that great either. So this might either 1: convince them they need to step their game up or 2: be a viable alternative to 929s.

This new Ruger ended up in 2 spots in the top 10 at Nationals, so it's clearly competitive.

MSRP is high, but street price will probably be lower, maybe even the same as a 929, so figure around $1200 or slightly more, but you probably won't have to send the gun back to the factory because the barrel wasn't torqued correctly or the hammer falls when you touch it.

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Does it use * standard*, brass specific moon clips or Ruger proprietary clips?  Does the trigger have a stop when the cylinder stops/locks or is it a straight stroke like a Smith? Does the Bowen extended Redhawk firing pin fit? My GP's polish easily and smooth, but the stop before the break just bugs me.

I'd love to see/dry fire/ shoot one.  

Actually really excited about this revolver. 

Plus my hand has healed and I shot my first Revo Steel Challenge since January today.

My revo shooting starts anew, so a new Ruger might be the perfect new toy!


Edited by Makicjf
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...Smith is pretty crappy as far as sponsoring major matches, and Ruger is right there giving out guns and all sorts of prizes...

Why would Smith promote their revolvers at a match where we're all shooting them already? Seems there's better places to spend their advertising dollars.
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22 hours ago, Rudukai13 said:

@swordfish People are already competing with this revolver?

Yes. A prototype has been out for the better part of a year. Ruger shooters shared it at Uspsa nationals and it shot limited at the IRC. 

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Sure, but given the level of shooter who was running it (Dave O. at IRC) your have to wonder - would they have placed higher with a Smith?


I played with the prototype a little. It was... fine, but it still had the "oh God where's the break?!" Ruger trigger. Not saying it's a bad gun, or that it's going to fail or anything, but I don't see a reason for current shooters to change platforms for it.

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