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Sig MPX PCC (Gen 3) load?

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Fired my Sig MPX (Gen 3) PCC yesterday for the first time and it won't run my Xtreme 147grn (132 PF pistol loads), same load runs perfectly on the CZ Scorpion, basically turn the MPX PCC into a single shot, FTE/FTF, but recoil was really soft. Tried also some factory WInchester 115 grn white box ammo and that run perfectly but the recoil was a lot more than the 147 reload. Do you guys have the same experience? I thought the new MPX PCC has a bigger gas port opening to run softer ammo better? What load are you guys running on the new MPX (Gen 3) PCC? Using Xtreme 147 grn & 3.0 Titegroup, with 1.135 oal, this load do about 132PF off CZ pistols.

Edited by mannyc
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124gr Bayou Bullets with 3.4gr Titegroup, 1.135" COAL, you can work it down pending how consistant your powder throws are. Possibly 3.2gr and still have enough buffer in power factor.  Light recoiling bunny load... Your comp is going to get dirty as all get out, but I found it had considerably less dot movement than the plated bullets, and the 124's have less movement than the 147's.  The 115's had move movement, but also had more powder.  

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3 hours ago, mannyc said:

Fired my Sig MPX (Gen 3) PCC yesterday for the first time and it won't run my Xtreme 147grn (132 PF pistol loads), same load runs perfectly on the CZ Scorpion, basically turn the MPX PCC into a single shot, FTE/FTF, but recoil was really soft. Tried also some factory WInchester 115 grn white box ammo and that run perfectly but the recoil was a lot more than the 147 reload. Do you guys have the same experience? I thought the new MPX PCC has a bigger gas port opening to run softer ammo better? What load are you guys running on the new MPX (Gen 3) PCC? Using Xtreme 147 grn & 3.0 Titegroup, with 1.135 oal, this load do about 132PF off CZ pistols.

You might still have not enough gas to cycle. TG is ok with straight barrel pistols but when you need gas, either you add more TG or find an alternative powder that can generate more gas.

Last year, I chrono'ed 125.1 in a big match I shot with a 115 gr. bullet, no jams. I am using VV320 and might have move the powder measure to the low side. I stay on the 130ish PF just to be on the safe side.


Hope this helps

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got back from the range, 147 grn on 3.6 TG load works great on MPX, not a single hiccup. This Gen3 MPX likes hot factory PF loads, shot it side by side with the Scorpion & compared to the Scorpion it is softer, even though the Scorpion is shooting minor PF load. One thing I notice also is that the Scorpion's recoil impulse is harder but straight back, while the MPX has more muzzle rise during recoil.

Edited by mannyc
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