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I hate travelling in a third-world country with an over-abundance of armed law enforcement with no respect for the law...

Him: Have you been drinking tonight?

Me: <silence>

Him: This is a sobriety checkpoint.

Me: OK, you look sober to me.

Him: You think this is funny? We're getting drunk drivers off the road and saving lives and ... <more bleating sheep drivel from a bureaucrat who's obviously pissed off at having to work a shjt assignment on a holiday weekend>

Me: <interrupting the speech> Are you detaining me or am I free to go?

Him: <pause Well I don't know. <long pause by him and incredulous look by me> Since I can't smell your breath <through my window opened only a few inches> I can't tell if you've been drinking. Have you been drinking tonight?

Me: <silence>

Him: <long pause> Have a good night.

Don't get me started on those fed.gov asshats blocking the road from San Diego to Phoenix. And their little dog, too!

And I have to deal with the Terminally Stupid Asshats at the airports tomorrow. Great.

See also seat belt checkpoints.

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I don't really have a problem with Sobriety Checkpoints, I don't drink and drive, and like the fact that it get's drunk drivers off the road.

I have a friend that is a County LEO that I have been able to go on a couple of ride alongs at checkpoints. I was glad to see the half dozen or so a night get pulled off the road. Even seen some "real police work" when they caught some guys that had just broken into a bunch of cars in a nearby neighborhood.

I really wish that 13 years ago the "asshat" that rear ended me at a stop sign hard enough to push my car and the next three in line through the intersection had been stopped at one of those "Checkpoints" before parking his Lexus in the trunk my girlfriends Saturn. Talk about really messing up a great weekend. We ended up spending it in the hospital for a couple of days.

The best part was he didn't have insurance, his license had already been suspended for guess what??, So a totaled car, missed work and a couple grand in hospital bills (that my insurance had to pay), So yeah I will put up with the Stops for a couple of minutes, better than dealing with what could happen for the rest of your life.

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So yeah I will put up with the Stops for a couple of minutes, better than dealing with what could happen for the rest of your life.

That is how Rights erode to Priviledges, didn't someone once say those that give up rights to be secure deserve neither............... er something like that?

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When the Government takes on the role of protecting us from ourselves, who will protect us from our government?

Oops! sorry about the political speak, But Erik appears to be about to cross the threshold from the "land of reds'' to the "land of red states'' and I want his transition to go smoothly. So farewell comrade EriK and come on in E. Dubya. and take your shoes off and set a spell.

All jokes aside, I think it was Thomas Jefferson that said "he that chooses safety over liberty does not value freedom"

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Hate thread, people, hate thread.

I agree with Erik. Sobriety checkpoints, seatbelt checkpoints, etc, are an erosion of the 4th. The solution is not to forcibly detain and check all people who drive on the road. The solution is to make the punishment match the crime. You get caught driving drunk, you lose your license permanently. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. You get caught a second time, you go to jail for 10 years. You get caught a third, instant death penalty. Period - doesn't matter who you are.

I hate that politicians manage to get stopped multiple times with nothing so much as a warning... we have a local politico here in Austin who got busted, was booked, and then got off without so much as a warning, cause he refused to blow, refused a field sobriety check, refused a blood test, and then managed to avoid a court ordered blood test.... And the asshats in this town still elected his stupid ass....

Edit to include one thing - I don't drink. Therefore, I have nothing to hide at a sobriety checkpoint. Amazingly, they can still find me drunk if I somehow fail the field sobriety test. I still resent the living hell out of them....

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Erik, I looked at The Bill of Rights and the only thing the Officer may have been guilty of was asking you to violate your Fifth Amendent rights. If you are thinking about the Fourth Amendent; "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." The Supreme Court has ruled that sobriety checkpoints are legal.

Until you have worked a few accidents where you have to record exactly where that body part was found referenced to where other body parts are can you appreciate what they are try to prevent.

Until you have walked a day in their shoes, please do not call them bureaucrats. They are people like you doing a job because they were told to do so.

[/Rant Off]

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The solution is to make the punishment match the crime. You get caught driving drunk, you lose your license permanently. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. You get caught a second time, you go to jail for 10 years. You get caught a third, instant death penalty. Period - doesn't matter who you are.

I hate that politicians manage to get stopped multiple times with nothing so much as a warning

Therein lies the problem. You expect them to make tough consequences for laws they know they themselves will violate.

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I am very sorry to hear of all those that have lose loved ones to drunk drivers. Nothing can take away that pain and I am sorry for that. However, that is the very point the politicians want us to focus on. They attempt to pull at your heartstrings and cash in on your emotions. Everyone knows someone that has in someway felt the trauma of losing a loved one, but by thinking of that we momentarily forget our civil rights.

Erik, hate on, its ur thread and you have plenty of people to help you hate this one.

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Even though this is a hate thread, I just can't help myself...

Laws do not prevent crime, laws do not alter human behaviour, laws are obeyed by decent people with moral values. Criminals have no moral values therefore they disobey laws. They will continue to disobey them no matter how many times they are caught.

When politicians pass laws the only people that are affected by them are the law-abiding, this is why laws fail. You can add all the police checkpoints you want, it will not reduce death through intoxication.

Laws provide a means to punish an individual AFTER the fact, AFTER the accident, AFTER the murder, AFTER the rape etc.. No restrictive law has ever PREVENTED a crime and it never will.

For every person stopped at a DUI checkpoint there are thousands that do not get stopped. For every person that causes an accident whilst drunk there are thousands more that drive drunk and make it home without violating a single traffic law. It's a fact.

What is the solution to this problem. Simple. If you drive drunk and kill someone then the charge shall be MURDER ONE and the mandatory sentence is life in jail without possibility of parole. Most drunk drivers, like paeodophiles are repeat offenders. Taking a life means losing all aspect of your own life, no second chances.

We need to remove the evil from our midst and this is how it is done. No second chances.

This has been another of my 2 cents, too much of this and I'll soon be broke.

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That the Supremes have declared the 4th Amendment null and void does not change the meaning of the text, nor the spirit in which it was written. If an officer has probable cause to suspect one of violating the law and driving intoxicated then that officer should act accordingly. Checkpoints to veryify sobriety or seatbelt use is a violation the 4th Amendment. The Court decided, if I understand it correctly, that if everyone's rights are violated equally then it is okay. BS! Say no to the police state mentality which just wants to make us all safe for our own good at the expense of our Liberty. Call and write you legiscreatures!

Right On Erik!

The quote mentioned above:

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Benjamin Franklin


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Bseevers wrote: "Yea these went to the Supreme Court but I always get the feeling a guy with a Russian/German accent saying "Your papers please" Vear are you going tonight? Its not right"

Its not on the way. Its here: Its called the Real ID Act and it passed two months ago. Requires national standards for ID (like most supposedly "civilized" coutries that have "National ID's"). Russia had these under communism; it was called an "internal passport" and if you were caught without it, you went to jail. It was that way in Venezuela when I was there in the 80s (before that nut job Chavez took power). In the US, you technically are not required to carry the National ID - yet. THey have decared that you MUST reveal your ID whenever asked (for whatever reason). Sad.

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Most drunk drivers, like paeodophiles are repeat offenders. Taking a life means losing all aspect of your own life, no second chances.

Way too true, you are correct check points won't help that.

Laws do not prevent crime, laws do not alter human behaviour, laws are obeyed by decent people with moral values. Criminals have no moral values therefore they disobey laws. They will continue to disobey them no matter how many times they are caught.

Also true.

I also hate checkpoints they do feel like a Police state...

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