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Initial add ons for GMR-13

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I should have a new GMR-13 in a week or 2.  I have a few 33 round mags.  I figure I need 2 +10 base pads and a mag well.  What brand for mag well?  How about base pads?  I hate the TT ones I bought for my CZs.    I think I'll get a couple G17 mags for classifiers.  


Anything else?  I don`t want to do much else until I get trigger time.  Any other must haves?

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I'm using a Goliath each for my GF and I and we just have an extra 32 round with a +0 TTI base pad spare in our belts (base pads came with the mags). I've so far never needed a 3rd mag but we do have an extra glock 32 round just in case with stock base pads. For classifiers I start with the 52 round setup downloaded to whatever is needed for mag 1 and mag 2 is the 32 +TTI base and I feel like I have decent reloads. I am tempted to try a smaller mag to see if its even faster since I could index my finger better like a pistol but so far I'm fast enough on those rare reloads I'm not doing anything about it yet.


Also I bought those extensions for my DAA mag pouches to fit the 32 round glock mags. I bought 3 but we only use one each because neither of us feels like we need two deep pouches, on classifiers I actually put the 32 round in a normal depth mag pouch so I can index it better. Hopefully this makes sense and helps.

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I am not finding any aluminum mag wells for this rifle.   I've only found:






The Taylor Freelance mag well says that it's Foxlock system doesn't work on a GMR-13.    I can go get one of the plastic mag wells.   I'd prefer aluminum.

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19 hours ago, Smitty79 said:

I should have a new GMR-13 in a week or 2.  I have a few 33 round mags.  I figure I need 2 +10 base pads and a mag well.  What brand for mag well?  How about base pads?  I hate the TT ones I bought for my CZs.    I think I'll get a couple G17 mags for classifiers.  


Anything else?  I don`t want to do much else until I get trigger time.  Any other must haves?


What I use:

  - a Titan Rocket magwell

  - MBX +5 (36 rounds) or "Mini" (47 round) base pads.  Don't normally need to haul around 47 rounds, and don't even get me started about the "Mega" (57 rounds).  😉

  - Crimson Trace Mini Rail Master laser


Enjoy the GMR-13.

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1 hour ago, ABQautoxer said:

15s but I believe his work for both.

From the Taylor Freelance website about their mag well:


     "NOTE: Also works on AVG lowers, can be modified to fit Rainier Arms lowers, but does not fit the JP GMR-13. (The magwell fits, but the FoxLock doesn't.)"


I've emailed JP about the extended mag release working with the GMR-13, and will report back when I get an answer about compatibility.


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My advice, get the gun shoot it for 1000 rounds see what your likes and dislikes are. (Change the dislikes). With my qc10 build I found I didn’t need an extended mag release.


  Ask bmiller if he makes a magwell for gmr13. If you get a good magwell big sticks load faster.  Before buying any mags or basepads, wait to see what is unveiled at the nra show. 

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I'm not sure what the difference is between the GMR-13 and the GMR-15, but I really don't see a need for a magwell on the GMR-15.  It loads easily even with topped of magazines.  I bought 1 TTI plus 10 base pad and it worked perfectly for me yesterday.  

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1 hour ago, Bwillis said:

With my qc10 build I found I didn’t need an extended mag release.


For my GMR-13, I just put a piece of skateboard tape on the stock mag-release. 


(I didn;t need more leverage, the JP mag release works great, I just wanted something to index my finger on, and this works like a champ for me)

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