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NEW 92X Performance

Stony Lane

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1 hour ago, gnappi said:


You never saw me saying I don't like it, just that it could be better and I did not like their attitude about the slide frame fitment. And actually I'm "kvetching" about a WHOLE LOT more than slide disassembly. Beretta made other boo-boos that I overlook but it's not particularly user friendly. 


Reaching the Slide stop with the right hand is much like a Tanfo, I can say that's my only beef with the Witness. I use my left thumb. 


But the hammer buried in the (very high mounted) rear sight in a DA gun? Really? That's bad design, as is the sharp edges on the rail which bite me when I rack the slide from under the dust cover. The take down lever feels like it has sand in it,  a trigger with serrations? Why do that? The frame stippling and slide serrations are very rough cut, the worst I've seen and uncomfortable. Scratch that, the rear frame cuts force me to stop shooting it after a box and a half or so of ammo.


Lastly IF they were going after Tanfo delivering it with two 15 round mags with plastic pads when they have 17's and rubber pads in stock?  


In general I'm a Beretta fan boy there are  several in my safe with 92's and 96's among them. 


If your XP doesn't exhibit / have these ergo issues I can only assume yours was better made than mine, you're less prone to be critical or mine was a rush job Monday build. Given that CNC doesn't have a hangover from Sunday, I doubt mine is unique.














Wow. I reiterate that I think this gun isn't for you. Also, what forum do you think you're on? This forum is about competitive shooting and the XPerf is a competition gun. Behold a competitive shooter using this gun (intro is Ruski but content is English):


I ask you what forum you think you are on because you complain about a few things which specifically either help or don't matter to competitive shooters:


Slide serrations. They are sharp, which is good. You hurt yourself on the frame when racking the gun? Look how to do it in the video above. 


Trigger face. Serrated trigger face is a choice. It aids in the finger not slipping and in precise finger placement. Smooth triggers let your finger roll. It's personal preference and if you dont like the serrations you can grind them off.


Frame checkering. It's barely there. I guess I have tough hands but all Beretta checkering feels useless to me and I wish it was completely smooth so I could grip tape it.


Fitment. Mine is like a watch. Tightest CNC era factory gun I've seen. Maybe you could lube the takedown lever after taking it out and cleaning it and the hole it goes in? I have a surplus Beretta Tomcat which had a rusty lever and I had to clean it up. Not that the Xperf should rust, as the small parts are PVD coated and the frame is nickel plated.


Slide stop. The Xperf's is actually extended and slanted on the protrusion so it is easier to reach one handed. I also use my support hand thumb because of habit and not wanting to ever break my grip.


The hammer being buried. I agree with you. I wish the hammer was more extended but I've learned how to decock it. My fear is over time I will wear away the finish on the rear sight due to my thumb rubbing on it during make ready. It's worth it for the excellent adjustable rear sight and sight radius, though.


Slide bite. If it doesn't do it when you are shooting the gun, then hold it the same way when you rack the slide. Or take the slide to a grinding wheel and round the edges like on the LTT. 


The mags. It comes with two Mec Gar mags. Not the crappy Beretta factory mags. They hold 15. In USPSA the Production division (which this gun is aimed at but due to Beretta's cluelessness isn't legal for) has a maximum capacity of 10. IPSC Production has 15. What's the problem here? By the way, the Mec Gar 15 rd nickel plated mags are excellent. All 92 mags fit well in the Xperf so you can go buy 18 rd mags or the sand resistant ones.


My Xperf isn't perfect. It had a minor bit of finish damage due to shipping because Beretta just throws everything together in the Negrini case with no shaped inserts unlike Tanfo. I also changed the hammer spring to 11# (100% reliable ignition) and the recoil spring to a lighter one with a shock buff. The grips will also be changing once Lok Grips makes palmswells. 


Your gun isn't unique, but it might just not be for you. I hate P320s and Glocks even though I shoot them just fine. I like the Xperf because it is my favorite version of the 92.

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LOK  grips for 92x Perf are ready to order (but the note says about same thickness as stock grips--not sure about palmswell version).

The slide on mine comes off fine.

The smooth grips are my only complaint so far and LOK has solved that problem.


Edited by Steppenwolf
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29 minutes ago, Twinkie said:



29 minutes ago, Twinkie said:


29 minutes ago, Twinkie said:

I ask you what forum you think you are on because you complain about a few things which specifically either help or don't matter to competitive shooters:

Wow. I reiterate that I think this gun isn't for you. Also, what forum do you think you're on? This forum is about competitive shooting and the XPerf is a competition gun. Behold a competitive shooter using this gun (intro is Ruski but content is English):


I know where I am and despite your opinions I suggest that every handgun is a tool, regardless where it's used,. 


We'll see if the X'perf is adopted. I have mine, but it takes a back seat to my Witness all day long. 





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On 2/13/2020 at 10:00 AM, Twinkie said:

The 92X Perf is NOT on the USPSA Production list.


I found out at FL Open. Apparently Beretta hasn't bothered to tell USPSA about it or if they have made enough. Troy doesn't know who to contact at Beretta and neither do I. 


How many more does Beretta need to make when the max width for production is 1.625" and the 92X Performance is 1.8"?

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39 minutes ago, NWcityguy2 said:


How many more does Beretta need to make when the max width for production is 1.625" and the 92X Performance is 


We've seen rules change, and it is possible to have low profile safeties to thin the gun down. Either one isn't really an impediment. It just shows Beretta are pretty clueless in the USA.


Note IPSC has no such box rule but has a maximum barrel length rule. Beretta in Italy obviously cares about IPSC and its sponsors. 


92X Performance is on list but:



NOT APPROVED: Wilson Combat (or other custom shop) variants of any approved model above


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On 3/8/2019 at 5:44 PM, Chills1994 said:

I haven't shot a USPSA match since April 2012.


Soooo...we're  basically getting a spruced  up version of a 92 stock

Well actually you are getting a spruced-up version of a Taurus pt92. Their  lever is able to be used as a cocked and locked, or a drop the hammer. for a long time. Just saying

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7 hours ago, usmc1974 said:

Well actually you are getting a spruced-up version of a Taurus pt92. Their  lever is able to be used as a cocked and locked, or a drop the hammer. for a long time. Just saying

Well, actually no.


The 92X has a steel frame a beefier slide and in totality is substantially more robust and has more potential as a high mileage gun which a PT92 definitely is not. Beretta owners have been clamoring for (yet) another all steel gun and Beretta delivered it. I have several of both Taurus and Beretta and your "spruced up" comment definitely applies more to the 92 and 96's made before the "X"


The Taurus is an aluminum framed "copy" which has a pinned in non reversible mag release, and a very excellent decocker which if Beretta had used would have eliminated at least one criticism without adding any. 


Now if Taurus were to come out with a steel framed 92... 













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6 minutes ago, gnappi said:

Well, actually no.


The 92X has a steel frame a beefier slide and in totality is substantially more robust and has more potential as a high mileage gun which a PT92 definitely is not. Beretta owners have been clamoring for (yet) another all steel gun and Beretta delivered it. I have several of both Taurus and Beretta and your "spruced up" comment definitely applies more to the 92 and 96's made before the "X"


The Taurus is an aluminum framed "copy" which has a pinned in non reversible mag release, and a very excellent decocker which if Beretta had used would have eliminated at least one criticism without adding any. 


Now if Taurus were to come out with a steel framed 92... 













No, I love my italian-made Beretta 92 has a improved trigger I did it myself. I use it for everything 3 gun, IPSC, IDPA bullseye. To practice my 3 gun, I have a 22 conversion to put in my AR and a 22 conversion for my Beretta 92, so I can shoot steel challenge matches with both guns at the same time.

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I've been spending a lot of time with my 92xP and have fairly similar feedback to many owners who are using the pistol for matches. My Elite II seems to fit my hand much better, and that gun is not an ergonomic dream either. That being said, with enough practice, any ergo issue can be overcome, but it would be nice to have a gun fit out of the box. 


I am hoping Beretta USA offers the "special parts" soon. The EU site's extended slide release combined with a thinner safety lever will help alleviate the issue of not being able to reach the slide release. I kind of wish they put VP9 cocking "wings" in the back of the slide where the safeties used to be. The shape of the Beretta 92 slide is just about as bad as the Shadow 2 for overhand gripping since it tapers significantly towards the top. 


I do love the recoil management and the trigger, but part of me wonders if a SP01 or S2 was the better way to go. 

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I posted this on the Beretta forum as well, but been having issues with FTE on my 92xP. 1500 rounds, and happened twice within 150 rounds of each failure, somewhere after the 1k mark. Took this snapshot off my aimcam from today's USPSA match where you can see the next round getting stuck on the empty casing still stuck in the chamber.


A few others noted they had similar issues with FTE, which is uncommon for a 92.





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11 minutes ago, porkster said:

I posted this on the Beretta forum as well, but been having issues with FTE on my 92xP. 1500 rounds, and happened twice within 150 rounds of each failure, somewhere after the 1k mark. Took this snapshot off my aimcam from today's USPSA match where you can see the next round getting stuck on the empty casing still stuck in the chamber.


A few others noted they had similar issues with FTE, which is uncommon for a 92.






Same thing has happened to me. Clean and oil the slide to frame surfaces and the barrel/locking block surfaces. More lubes fixed these kinds of problems for me. My theory is that the barrel and slide assembly has to overcome a lot of friction early in the recoil impulse. Without oil the gun unlocks slightly too slowly and there isn't enough acceleration to aid in extraction.


I oil mine every time I shoot it. I wipe it down and reapply lube.

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This must only happen with the new high-performance Beretta's. Because I hardly ever clean or add much oil to my Italian made 92, it runs like a striped ass ape on anything I stuff in it. Just saying maybe I got lucky.

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I've had one failure to extract.  One, you could install the Wilson Combat extra power extractor spring.  I will, if it happens again.  Two, the extended take down lever "thumb rest" might be more likely to cause slide ride.  (I've been working on always using downward pressure on the outside edge of the lever and staying off the slide.) 

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15 hours ago, usmc1974 said:

This must only happen with the new high-performance Beretta's. Because I hardly ever clean or add much oil to my Italian made 92, it runs like a striped ass ape on anything I stuff in it. Just saying maybe I got lucky.

Seems to be an emerging issue with the XP, several on a Beretta site are reporting similar problems. Since my X'perf only has ~500 rounds through it I haven't had it happen, OTOH, not one of my other 92/96's have ever had fte problems. 



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Thanks for that update and info about safeties.


Mine had a couple of FTEs after the first 300 rounds. I put the new LOK Veloce grips on (stock grips were too slick). I also watch where my support hand thumb sits on the extended slide stop. My FTEs were only in Federal 115 grain 100 pack range ammo. I put a Langdon 11.5 recoil spring in mine, oiled it well, and so far with 124 grain and 147 grain various ammo makes, after 350 rounds--all is well. Plan to get more rounds down range soon.


My thoughts about the FTEs were 1) As noted above--keep it oiled well, and 2) slick grips with longer fingers--possible slide riding or limp wristing. I hope LOK makes wrap-around palm swells for it at some point.


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I was hoping for the smaller levers and the extended slide release to be able to release the slide with my shooting hand instead of my support hand. But they are very pricey and will probably be cheaper once available here. 


The barrel issue is a curious one. I posted several times in the Beretta forum and some of us are trying to figure it out. One person said the casing was so stuck in there that he had to yank it out by hand.

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11 hours ago, Twinkie said:


Thanks for sharing! They seem a bit pricey at €149. I think I'll just take the right side one off if possible when I go to a major match.


This should work $$$:


Even BETTER $:


I don't know about "new" style and "old" style.


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On 3/18/2020 at 3:40 PM, Twinkie said:

92XPerf is now USPSA Production legal. Have to take off one or reduce the safeties to fit the box. 


I was surprised to hear that Beretta didn't submit or ask for inclusion to the production list, good to hear they solved that one... but the safety having to be removed is just stupid... since they supposedly had them evaluated by competitors they never put it in the size restriction box? I wonder who's steering the boat in Italy 🙂


Mine is still at BUSA, with the slide on/off problem I don't expect it back for another couple of months. 



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1 hour ago, gnappi said:


I was surprised to hear that Beretta didn't submit or ask for inclusion to the production list, good to hear they solved that one... but the safety having to be removed is just stupid... since they supposedly had them evaluated by competitors they never put it in the size restriction box? I wonder who's steering the boat in Italy 🙂


Mine is still at BUSA, with the slide on/off problem I don't expect it back for another couple of months. 




IPSC doesn't have a box for Production.

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