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Mag sticking and not locking back slide.


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I Picked up a pair of new sig max 1911s in 9mm to start shooting single stack again.  I am having a problem with mags intermittently sticking in the gun and not locking back the slide.


It only happens when I shoot the gun to a empty mag.  The slide will not lock back and the mag will not drop out.  I am unable to pull the mag out with out manually locking the slide back.  I can then rip the mag out and in doing so the slide drops every time as the mag comes out.


It is intermittent in that a mag will do it then the next time not do it or a mag that just ran fine will do it.  I can not repeat it at home hand cycling the gun.  


I am using dawson precision mags.  Also both guns do it.  My guess is it has something to do with the follower get trapped or jammed on the slid stop but I have been unable to see where.


Any help would be appreciated.

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You can you put an empty in the gun and pull the slide to the rear and maybe see if it sticks then.  Could be that you will actually see where it is sticking.  Also, do you know if its the same  mag that it fails with each time?

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I was able to get it to do it with a empty gun the follower is loos in the mag body and it is slipping past the slide stop and holding it down instead of up and that is also what is making it stick in the gun.  Dose anyone make a slide stop with a wider "foot" on the inside.


Iv tried tweaking the follower and have had marginal progress but the follower is still slipping over the slid stop foot.

Edited by rustychev
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Not sure how true this is but I believe there is a difference in 9mm vs. 45acp  slide stops with SOME manufacturers.  I've never paid it much attention but I just found where some are made with a longer pad on the inside that reaches farther onto the follower.  Google it and see what you can find but I believe there may be a fix in another slide stop.  FWIW, I have an old STI trojan in 9mm that I use wilson mags with and they work great........never had an issue with them getting hung on the  slide stop.  May even consider trying a wilson mag OR one of their followers if you don't have any luck with the slide stop.

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I have a email in to sig asking how wide the 9mm slide stop should be.  Having said that I dont thing thats the problem.  The follower in the dawson mags can move side to side just a bit if its to the left no problem if its to the right problem.  I have also emailed dawosn so we will see.  


Do you know it trip followers would fit they look to be a better design.

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It can happen with any metal follower design with the split follower etc.

Get a proper sized slide stop, EGW I think has ones with a longer foot.


Run it like a limited gun with no lock back

That's what I do, it simplifies thing for me that all my 1911/2011's are set up the same way


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I will see what sig and dawson have to say and am going to barrow a tripp follower from a friend.  If the tripp followers dont work I will call egw they dont lost an over size slide stop but they have one or some idea of my nest step.

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With the split foot follower, I've run into similar situations due to the following causes. Most were not 9mm guns so your mileage may vary.


1) mags that seemed to be made of thinner or softer steel where the feed lips would start spreading with use, allowing the follower to flex, move or tilt in some manner that would allow it to hang up on the stop. 


2) sloppily made and or modified mags that permit over insertion. These mags usually have a couple of issues combined to cause the op's issue. One I had was a mil-spec looking flush fit that wasn't due to a slightly too long body and the notch for the mag catch in the wrong place. It'd cause all sorts of problems. Another were some cmc 10 rounders. The base pad had issues with my magwell and I was overzealous in trimming them and messed up the tooth that pervents over insertion. After some use some got stepped on enough they developed a slight bend to them. Combine those issues and whenever I really slammed a mag home it would bind up in the gun, refuse to drop free, and frequently present the follower hooked on the slide stop problem.


3) A 9mm gun with staked spacers in the mags. Turns out the spacers didn't go all the way to the bottom. Somehow one of the mags got the spacer pushed down. This permitted the shorter 9mm follower to tilt like it shouldn't and sometimes it would hang up on the stop.

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Slide stops are caliber specific,, you coulda simply got a factory screw up and they put a 45 slide stop in your gun.
OR the factory mags have followers that enable them to work with 45 slide stops... Pull slide off gun, put the slide stop in, insert empty mags,, both OEM and your aftermarket. See how it works. If you gun works with the OEM mags Id probably just look for followers like that, although a slide stop is a pretty easy change. Be advised, that when it comes to 1911's drop in, usually means drop in to a gunsmiths shop that knows how to fit them.  New slide stop will still probably need to be dressed.

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Well after searching around most of the night I am far from the first with this problem.  And as Joe said slide stops a caliber specific with 45 being .200 and 9mm being .220 the one in both my sigs is .210 so I have ordered new slid stops from EGW for 9mm so between that and trying a few different followers we sill see what works.

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8 minutes ago, Tunachaser said:

I have one Dawson mag that does the same thing in my SA 1911 9 MM.  It is intermittent but I plan on returning to Dawson.  I have other Dawson mags that function just fine .

I have 20 and they all work very well in my 9mm RO so Im thinking its a follower/gun combo also looks like sig may be using a 40sw sized slide stop.

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Have you checked the dimensions on the mag lips, or top of the mag body?  If the mag body is a little wide at the top, that would cause it to stick in the gun. Also, it would allow the follower to move sideways in the mag body, away from the slide stop, and ride over the top of the slide stop foot.

I had that problem once with a new Dawson mag. Sent it back to Dawson, and they sent me a new one.

Edited by Postal Bob
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Same issue, exactly, new Les Baer P2, happens intermittently with Tripp Cobra & Wilson 10 & Les Baer mag (9). 


Did not notice it until I replaced the upper grip screws and bushing which was necessary to use the grips I wanted, probably just coincidental but it might be worth verifying that your upper grip screws are recessed back inside the mag opening and are not limiting sided to side movement of the mags. 


My left side upper grip screw might still be just a tiny smidge too long, I'm going to fix that and verify that does not effect the problem (do not know why it would but it seems wrong so why not fix that first) and then will be very interested in following your lead on  slide stops to see if there is variance in how far the lip reaches that catches the magazine. Your measurements seem to refer to pin diameter rather than lip length so I'm a little confused where you are going. A cheap and dirty thing to play with would be to install a too long upper right grip screw just for experimentations sake. 


One tidbit I have learned. New Tripp cobra 10 round  9mm mags are sent out with split followers, on some guns the split followers are needed to prevent lock back on the next to last round, on other guns the solid followers (marked 40) are needed to get consistent lock back when the mag is empty, information is directly from Tripp & the solid followers work in my . gun


And I still hate the add software that makes it a pain in the ass when I type a product word like gun or mag . 

Edited by IHAVEGAS
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1 hour ago, rustychev said:

.210 is the lip that caches the follower  45. Needs .200. 9 needs .220.  we will see when they get here. 


I will check my grip screws but I can see the follower slip over the slide stop.


Got it. That is a difficult measurement for me to make and feel confident about accuracy.


I sent a note to LB asking about the problem and potential fix, will respond if they come back with something interesting. Something I thought was interesting is that they only only list one slide stop on the LB price list & do not mention caliber. 


Tempted to just go ahead and purchase the EGW immediately. My gut thinks you have found the solution. 

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4 hours ago, IHAVEGAS said:


Got it. That is a difficult measurement for me to make and feel confident about accuracy.


I sent a note to LB asking about the problem and potential fix, will respond if they come back with something interesting. Something I thought was interesting is that they only only list one slide stop on the LB price list & do not mention caliber. 


Tempted to just go ahead and purchase the EGW immediately. My gut thinks you have found the solution. 

My egw stop should be here Wednesday night and I will update.

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2 hours ago, quliming said:

it's a mag/slide stop/gun combination issue. I would have started with trying diff mags, like Wilson, Dawson/metalform, cmc.


That is what I did for the same issue.  

No difference (Tripps - Wilsons - OEM). 

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37 minutes ago, IHAVEGAS said:


That is what I did for the same issue.  

No difference (Tripps - Wilsons - OEM). 

I would be more inclined if you can try metalform or chip mccormick. These two seem to give me the least problems.

You can take the recoil spring off, or even the slide off, just try to stick in mag to see how the split follower engages the slide stop. Is it barely touching, in the case, when you slam it in, it could override. See how different mags engage it. If all mags override, then it's a slide stop issue.

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I have only tried about half of my mags but I have 20 total 9mm and they all slip over so Im thinking its a slide stop problem and I will say it dose not happen with the the 2 9 round sig mags.  My EGW slide stop will be here tomorrow so we will see.  My tripp followers will be here Thursday if the EGW parts dont fix it.

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EGW slide stop showed up today.  it is cut .01 deeper into the center of the gun and is cut longer towards the back of the gun where it caches the follower.  After putting it in I could not get the follower to over ride the slide stop.  So it appears to have fixed the problem.  I will verify with weekend when I can shoot the gun live fire.

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