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Gas Prices!


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Let's see what the gas prices go to NOW...

I just paid $3.159 per gallon of Super(91) a

few minutes ago.  I willing to bet that within

a week it will be at least 50 cents more per


Yesterday $2.56/gal

Today $3.05/gal

Prices for my service work go up tomorrow with a $5 surcharge to start making the first hour an even $100

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Check this linkhttp://www.scaruffi.com/politics/oil.html

There are several factors in play here. For one, the US Dollar is the settlement currency for oil world-wide. If you want to buy oil, you must first convert your currency into USD. A quick Google search for "Money supply, M3" will take you to any number of charts, from various sources, that show the massive amount of money the US Treasury has been printing (creating out of thin air) since the mid-1990's. (Don't get me started on the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking :angry: )

Basically, there is a dollar glut. World oil production has been in decline everywhere but Saudi Arabia since the 1980's. The Saudis claim that their oil will never run out, no matter how wide they open the chokes. (I think they don't know half as much about oil wells as they seem to think they do.)

So, with beaucoup dollars being printed for the last dozen years, and world wide oil producion in steady decline, I'm thinkin' the price of oil in dollar terms is a dead-lock cinch to keep climbing. There are two simple actions needed to arrest the rate of climb. 1) Stop printing so damn many dollars. 2) Reduce the amount of fuel we are using as a nation. We in the US consume 25% of the world's supply.

The important things in life are always simple. The simple things are often very hard. I believe the secret to a living good life is having enough dicipline to do the simple hard things.

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Another alternative is to get the car manufacturers to start investing in new technology. Right now they have little to gain from it. The hybrid cars have a small - if any - profit margin on them. if not for the tax breaks that some states give them no-one would buy them.

We need something like the 'X-Prize' but for cars. The X-Prize caused investors to work on the commercial space plane. The same thing could work for alternative energy for cars.

Perhaps a detailed spec sheet, say an SUV type vehicle that can reach 30-40 mpg or electric type that can be recharged quickly and have a huge range and respectable top-speed. It would have to be made in USA and the winner gets a few billion dollars tax free.

That would be enough incentive for the builders and the rest of us would reap the rewards. :unsure:

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Gas here went up 32 cents in one day. I think it is outright gouging of the public. Think about it. 32 cents more a gallon for gas that came from the same underground tank as it did yesterday. I could understand if the price went up after the gas station got its tanks refilled. But it was a dramitic increase of price from the same lot of gas that was there yesterday.

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At today's prices it costs me 11 cents per mile to drive the gas efficient Saturn and almost 15 cents per mile to drive the diesel guzzling 1 ton 4x4 pickup. I'm hoping diesel lags behind gas increases so it gets economical to drive the truck. B)

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Hi all....

today I paid over $6.00 a gallon here in Australia. The way I look at it, it's still chepar than buying water here. We pay anywhere up to $5.00 for a liter of water. Now if anyone is thinking about selling thier tired old gas guzzling Camaro or Chevelle, they should drop me a line. I will gladly go broke keeping gas up to it.

Mark :D

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The problem isn't with car companies being able to develop fuel efficient cars. The problem is with the consumer not wanting to buy fuel efficient cars because the gas prices were so cheap in the past. Since there wasn't a demand, no one wants to spend money to develop something people don't want.

In the past Ford has done market studies where they had a 2.0 liter inline-4 turbocharged truck engine that made more horsepower and torque while getting better gas mileage than a comparable bigger displacement V6 engine. They couldn't find anyone who would be interested in buying it. Back when gas was a buck or so, would you buy a truck with a inline 4 or a big V8. Naturally everyone want the big V6 even though it had less horsepower, less torque, and worse gas mileage. It's an American thing, big is better. You don't see Dodge marketing a 2.0 L Hemi.

There's already contest like the X-Prize. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) does have the Future Car and Future Truck competitions for universities. I've known a few people that were on the Future Car team from UC Davis that won the competition many years ago. I don't know what the rules are now. Back then Future Car was to take either a Ford Taurus or a Dodge Intrepid and turn it in into a hybrid vehicle, this was before all the hybrids started appearing. The Davis team took the Taurus, rebuilt it from the ground up, got over 70 mpg and had faster acceleration than the original stock car, 0-60 in 8 sec while stock did it in 10 sec. The first year they did Future Truck, they took a Suburban and manage to push 26 mpg on and off road.

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Gas here went up 32 cents in one day.  I think it is outright gouging of the public.  Think about it.  32 cents more a gallon for gas that came from the same underground tank as it did yesterday.  I could understand if the price went up after the gas station got its tanks refilled.  But it was a dramitic increase of price from the same lot of gas that was there yesterday.

Yes, but if the prices went down dramatically, I doubt you'd be willing to pay the gas station operator a "fair markup" on the price he paid to have his tank filled.

Or, if the housing market in you area goes wild, I expect you'd charge "what you could get" rather than a "cost based reasonable markup" on your property.

Somehow, people think think that a different set of rules should apply when they are the buyer instead of seller.

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Yesterday morning on the way to work gas was $2.58 per gallon at the station next to the office. 8 hours later on the way home $3.19 per gallon. A $0.61 per gallon jump.

I think instead of tapping the oil reserves the government should forego all of their taxes until the refineries are back in action.

Oh wait the government give up money!! What was I thinking :angry:

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Got this e-mail from my cousin this morning. I've seen variotions of it before. Do ya'll think it might work?

(By the way, I was cleaning out some drawers this morning and found a gas reciept from December of '01. $1.11/gal.)

"Gas Prices here in Georgia were $3.20 at one gas station.. some stations even ran out of gas yesterday.. even on the military post here.

This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas on a certain day" campaign that was going around last April or May!

The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't

continue to "hurt" ourselves by refusing to buy gas. It was more of an

inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT, whoever

thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work.

Please read it and join with us!

By now you're probably thinking gasoline priced at about $1.50 is super

cheap. Me too! It is currently $2.75 for regular unleaded in my town.

Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to

think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $1.50-$1.75, we need

to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the

marketplace.... not sellers.

With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to

take action. The only way we are going to see the price of gas come

down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas!

And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.

How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying gas. But

we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force a

price war.

Here's the idea:

For the rest of this year, DON"T purchase ANY gasoline from the two

biggest companies (which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL. If they are

not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they

reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.

But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Exxon and

Mobil gas buyers. It's really simple to do!! Now, don't whimp (sic) out on

me at this point... keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to

reach millions of people!!

I am sending this note to about thirty people. If each of you send it to

at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send it to at least ten

more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time the message reaches

the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE

MILLION consumers!

If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each,

then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level

further, you guessed it..... THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!! Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people and DON"T purchase ANY gasoline from

EXXON and MOBIL. That's all.

How long would all that take? If each of us sends this email out to ten

more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could

conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!! I'll bet you didn't

think you and I had that much potential, did you! Acting together we can make a difference.

If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on.


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well, the above chain letter is jsut a new variation on an old chain letter saying Oil company X is 100% foreign oil, boycott them. Just some of the racism chopped out of it and different numbers plugged in.

In NJ by me, two days ago, super was $2.69 at several of the cheaper name brand stattions. yesterday it was $2.89. This morning $3.29. Also have seen some out of gas signs and closed stations.

As for the price gouging gas in the ground bitch, MOST gas stations DO NOT OWN the gas in the ground. It is there from the distributer on consignment. It is part of the distributor's inventory, and priced accordingly with daily fluctuations.

Also, according to the explanation I was watching on the local news, brand name gas distributors/retailers (it wasn't clear if the buyers they were refering to where retail or wholesale) and generic do not buy at the same price. Apparantly for the brand name buyers it went up $0.23 from tuesday to wednesday fro them and $0.52 for generic.

"You don't see Dodge marketing a 2.0 L Hemi. "

most of the small 4-bangers are hemi-or pent-roof deisgns, including some sold by dodge. The sell them, even if they don't try and market that fact.

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