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Gas Prices!


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The station down the road posted $2.59 a gallon for regular today.  My truck is officially GROUNDED until the semester starts and paychecks start rolling in.  I am displeased.

The current price of crude is based on the wild speculation that we're on the verge of running out.

We're not. Not even close.

They played this game in the 70's. We were within a handful of years of running out of everything: no more oil in a decade, we would run out of uranium for nuclear plants by the year 2000, unless we traded our cars for donkeys and built a windmill for every home, we were all going to hell in a handbasket.

The gas companies', OPEC's, and futures speculators' little game turned into about a decade and a half of unprofitability for oil producers and oil companies as new capacity came onto the market to fill the artificial "void." Somebody ALWAYS breaks ranks with the cartel to cash in.

And so it will happen again. Wait and see.

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Hmmm...well up here we pay over $1 a liter now...thats roughly $4 a gallon

A question for ya,,,

Where does Canada buy it's gas? I really don't know, but it would be very interesting if a large percentage came from the US...

Last week I sat at my usual gas station and watched as they changed the price of 87 octane from $2.23 to $2.49. I asked the worker if it could be a mistake. He said no. He told me that recently during his 4 hour shift the price of gas changed 4 times!!! Something bad is happening here. It's really not the set price per gallon. It's the dramatic changes in price. I've heard lots of explainations of why gas is so expensive, but someone is making windfall profits from these wild price swings.

I may be too simple or outright dumb to understand this all. But I know I'm not alone. This is blatant unchecked insanity. And the people WILL ask why. I know that the local mid-west talk radio stations are getting lots of input on this.

Sorry to rant within your rant!!!


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It's the way it is - because it can be!! Damn oil company jerks....

I got pissed earlier today seeing how the prices had jumped in this area. Because we have lower prices than most of the country, I won't tell you what I now have to pay for 93 octane for my race-wagon, but it jumped over ten cents overnight....

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The oil companys have us by the short hairs and our government won't do anything about it because it's part of the world economy thing that's being shoved down our throat.

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I think that now that the consumer has shown the oil industry that we will pay over $2/gallon it will be very unlikely to see the price go back to the way it was 10-12 months ago.

As far as profits for the gas stations; it aggravates me that most gas stations only get their gas about 1-2 times/week and pay one price for that tanker truck load, yet the price per gallon that they charge will change daily.

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I thought that Canada uses mostly it's own Oil from Alberta. They don't call them the Oilers for nothing. Apparently California gets a lot of it's Crude not only from within the state, but from Canada and Mexico. There was somewhere online I went looking as to where Cali gets it's oil, less than 5% was from mideast sources.

Venezuela and other closer locations made more sense than shipping it from far off places. We can't use the Alaskan Crude due to too much sulfer for our reformulation. They say it's because we use reformulated gas that costs us more money, but I think that's just one way to justify things. Also the elimination of producers seem to be a cause of higher prices, less competition tends to drive prices up. We have more high consumption vehicles, and actually less refining capacity. When was the last time you heard of an all new refinery?

My Jeep gets between 12-15 mpg, I used to drive a car that got 30. Will I sell the jeep and get an econobox? Probably not, I bought the Jeep because it was impractical, I only commute 16 miles round trip to mass transit, so it really doesn't cost me much to get to work. I bought it because I can go off road, and I'm looking to do so soon (R&R).


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Last week i paid $2.14 a gallon. On the way to work today it was $2.47 for the lowest grade. If you want premium, it was somtihing like $2.75 a gallon. Im kinda glad im not going to be around for the next 18months, while im in Iraq, to pay for gas. My truck i drive now gets decent gas milage (20 city, 28 Hwy). I think when i get back im gonna have to get somthing that gets better gas milage so i can afford to shoot out of town matchs.

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The old story, supply and demand.

Today,around here, it's somewhere in the $2.45 - $2.50 range. Not good but doable.

What we can expect, likely, is higher prices.

For every dollar increase in a barrel of oil the gas price moves up just about 2 cents per gallon. Of course when there are drastic disruptions like invasions and sabre rattling that causes the oil markets to get jumpy and things swing higher quickly. Yep, governments talking dirty to each other doesn't help anything.

And for anyone that thinks that price controls are a good idea, do some research and you will find that it just leads to shortages of that commodity or product. For someone, somewhere else(like India, or China, or Japan, or the various European countries) will get it if they are willing to pay more.

And likely, world oil production has peaked. And so far new fields with the necessary potential are not being found. Is this for sure? Nope. Is it likely with what is know today? Yep.

Do I like it? Nope.

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$2.69 - 2.71/gallon today. I heard that gas will need to top $3.10/gallon to exceed what it was in the 70's, adjusted for inflation.

I understand that this free economy is one of the things that makes America great, but this is ridicolous!!! I heard somewhere recently, don't remember where but it could have been Jay Leno, so take it for what its worth, that the oil companies are making record profits, like billions per quarter. If somebody knows different, please say so.

I think the oil companies finally figured out that they can charge whatever they want and we will pay it. Realistically, what choice do we have?? I'm not going to go out and buy some kind of "green" car.

I no longer can afford to shoot at one of the local gun clubs, just to far to drive.

Back when the war first started I heard a joke that they originally wanted to call it:




but they had to change the name 'cuz that made the true reason for the war to obvious.

Sometimes I think we need to go kick OPEC's a$$, too

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In the summer of 2000 I vividly remember when gas hit a low here at .62, yes 62 cents, per gal. At the same time a quart of Havoline 10W-30 was the same as always, .99 a qt..

Today gas is 2.40 gal., four times what it was in 2000. The Havoline motor oil is only about 1.50, sometimes cheaper.

The crowd that wants to rule the world knows that they can get what they want for gas. Until we kick to right people's ass straight to hell, we will keep paying.

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It's the market, folks.

If A is unwilling to pay a certain price, but B is willing than the gas or whatever product will flow to B.

As long as people in a country are willing to pay to going rate there will be sufficient supply.

Most imported oil to this country comes from Canada and South America - we should stay on good terms with those producers.

If people in Arizona are willing to pay a premium price for premium Open Guns but folks in another state are not, than the better Open Guns will migrate to Az. It's a market decision on the part of producers.

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$2.59/gallon is roughly what I have been used to paying for too long to remember now. It over $2.75 now and I expect to be (relatively) complacent when I notice that it's around $3.00 one of these days ;-)

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Personally, I think China is the largest factor in what is going on. Their oil consumption is way up. As a matter of fact their oil consumption grows by 7.5% per year, that’s seven times faster then the U.S. I guess they need all that oil to manufacture every damn thing sold in the U.S. Not to mention the incredible amounts it takes to build up their military. All I can say is they are coming, maybe not now. But believe it when I say they are on their way. And their first stop is Taiwan. Remember that, each time you pass up a product made in the U.S. or by one of our allies, for a cheaper piece of Chinese crap. Just ask Dillon Precision, who descided to drop OKO to go with a cheaper, and lower quality Chinese sight for a few more pennies profit. And I'm sure if you all think hard you can come up with an instance where you have been affected by the Reds, need I say Wal-Mart anyone. If we don't wake up now, and get our butts up to ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), which is estimated to have the largest oil reserves in America, and use that time to come up with a useful alternate to petroleum. Our days as a super power are numbered. I hope you all like Kung Pow Chicken, lol.

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