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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Check your equipment


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Over the weekend I shot a match and came to the classifier, 99-62 Bang and Clang. 


Well, it’s a Surrender draw. I draw and get the gun up and.....bang, click, dead trigger.  


What happened?


The screw in my holster had become loose and the gun was sitting lower in it. On my draw, I was pressing the gun into the side of the holster, pressing the mag release.  

Mag would unseat and there goes that classifier.  



Check and tighten the screws from time to time.  

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3 hours ago, Poppa Bear said:

That is better than the screw loosening up and the gun falling to the ground as you either draw to start the stage  or holster at the end of the stage.

There’s always a bright side!  ?

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