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CZ Bull Shadow - impacting high


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I recently picked up a unique pistol that is a Bull Shadow upper on a TS frame, done by the CZ Custom shop.  Sweet SA straight trigger.  It is my first CZ of any kind.  95% of what I shoot are 1911/2011s.


Went to the range yesterday to shoot and instantly fell in love with everything except the point of impact.  At 15 yards I printed my tightest groups ever, but 10-11" high.  The rear sight is the fixed rear sight that is found on the Tactical Sport and doesn't have the option to be lowered, other than having a smith file it down.  Front sight is FO, sits high as it is so I'm not inclined to find a taller one if there are other better options for bringing down the POI.


Anyone familiar with this issue?  Any helpful advice other than "aim lower"?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Might have just been an honest mistake by the person who built that gun at CZ Custom.  Use Dawson's sight calculator, buy and install the correct height sight.  Or let CZ Custom know what's going on.  They might go ahead and send you the right front sight.  They're pretty nice guys over there.

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Good advice from Missionary Mike about CZ Custom.  I would contact them and explain the problem.  I would be very confident they would help resolve the issue.  


And . . . . . when your issue is resolved, PLEASE share it with us on this forum!

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