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Carry Optics/ESP


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That's what the provisional rule says.

1.1.2 Handguns permitted for use in CO must:

A. Comply with any IDPA pistol division before the optic is installed.
I understood that it applied to SSP only.

Sent from my ASUS_A006 using Tapatalk

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On 8/20/2018 at 6:33 AM, jhgtyre said:

The provisional rules say "any" division which is pretty nice since it's one of the only divisions that is actually more permissive than the comparable USPSA division.



The rules seem to have been updated since I made that statement.  That link still works but when you go to the IDPA rules page you are offered a different document which is dated 08/10/18.  I'm not sure when it was posted but that is 10 days before I linked to that other document.  Who knows.  Either way the new doc is here:


It states that you must comply with ESP division and has options for use of lasers as well as red dot or "reflex" sights.  It also defines CO as a Specialty Division...

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