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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Automated brass sorter by weight


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I haven’t had much time to play with this, built the electronics part, did the programming and threw together the mechanical parts months ago.


It’s still a long way from being a finished product but it’s also one of those projects that can get lost do to “life getting in the way” if I don’t see some sort of progress.


The idea is to begin the sort by a 10 grain differential with those dropping into one of 10 bins, then take all from a single bin and change the resolution to 1 grain differential, then take all from a single bin and change to .1 grain resolution.


So in the end you can have brass sorted to the tenth of a grain without having to touch a single case.


Proof of concept and hopefully enough inspiration to finish it out when it cools off outside.



Edited by jmorris
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