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STI Gen 2 mag parts Limited legal


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Looking for Followers and baseplates that will work with .40 gen2 STI mags that will keep it legal for USPSA Limited. 

Some parts list if it’s compatible with gen2 and others don’t. Some also say it needs a new spring and others don’t  



Found this +1 and no slide lock, but doesn’t say if it’s Gen2. 


Edited by CheekyChung
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Call Dawson Precision on Monday and they;'' be able to give you the info you need.



Either are great base pads the usually fit the gauge.  Read the info from the sites and they will be able to tell

you which ones fit for limited vs open

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While you're buying parts for your magazines pick up a $35 USPSA Official Magazine Length Gauge




$35 is cheap insurance after spending $$$ on new magazines, basepads, followers (based on second hand information), then spending more $$$$$$ on entry fees, travel expenses, ammo, etc... for a major match and getting bumped to Open or getting to shoot for no score!

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You can’t go wrong with either Dawson or tti pads. I run the tti 4mm pads on my match mags and the Dawson on my practice mags. All fit the gauge. Be sure to read on the Dawson website. They make a few different ones and the SNL they sell may require minor modifications to your mags. 

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