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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

NFG from Louisiana


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Greetings to all. NFG from south Louisiana. Retired, been shooting and a firearms enthusiast for 30+ years. Like em all, big fan and assembler of the dreaded black rifles especially. Recently purchased a Canik TP9SFX and a CZ Shadow 2. Never shot any matches, contemplating giving it a go at my local clubs. I realize I am well beyond my prime (eyes mostly and reaction times) but competing and trying to not pull a DQ interests me. And now owning a couple really nice pistols helps. Mega impressed with the Shadow 2 build quality and accuracy. I mounted a FF3 on the SFX.


I have been lurking and reading for 2/3 weeks prior. A massive wealth on knowledge here, on so many related topics. Glad to be here and thx for the data base and input  :)

Edited by John_
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