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On 8/14/2018 at 9:58 PM, JNW said:

For a carry optics gun do you prefer to run it without sights or do you find a set of co-witness sights helpful?




I run co-witness. I don't want to change anything, in terms of presenting the gun, going from iron sights to carry optics. The first person to teach how to use the RMR on a Glock in the tactical world says you should use the iron sights to quickly locate the dot. That's what I do and I took first place in carry optics at my local match yesterday. 


I'm in the process of doing the same with building my open Glock. No height over bore issues which require re-learning how to present the pistol to find the dot. One presentation across all platforms (production, limited, carry optics, and open). 

Edited by telligentgunner
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Hello: No need for co-witness sights at all on a pistol. You can index off the slide and hit targets pretty easy out to 25 yards. I have shot stages when I forgot to turn the dot on when doing a table start. I even shot a match when my front sight fell off on the first stage on my iron sight pistol. If you know where the gun shoots at different distances you are better off. Thanks, Eric

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On 8/15/2018 at 5:23 AM, ChuckS said:

IMHO, giving up valuable field of view in the small dots we use is just not a good idea. If you are worried about your dot failing, get a better dot.

Yep, and that is why most of us have that "box" with multiple red dots in it in the corner of the gun room. Always looking for the better mousetrap! ?

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