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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

650 Ejector Wire

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So after many frustrating trials & errors to figure out what causes the occasional case to tip when going into the first position and catch on the de-capping die on the up stroke, I think we have narrowed it down to the ejector wire. Every once in awhile it seems to ride up on the shellplate bolt & out of the hole just enough to touch the case slide and cause the case to tilt. Remove the wire and it does not happen. Push it down on the bolt as we are loading and it helps.


We have removed the add on after market bearing and basically are back to stock. It is running good until this happens. Maybe 1 or 2 out of 10 will tip. I know when you add the bearing kit under the bolt you are supposed to put a bend in the wire, but this is all stock as it came from the factory with a new wire.


Any suggestions? Better or after market ejectors?



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