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Area 2 - Desert Classic - 2005

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Just about the time you see the topic description... I'm sure that the first thing out of your mouth is "you've got to be kidding me"... or something to that effect. And no, I'm not kidding.

If you haven't already mailed in your application, you will more than likely be on a waiting list. I will still continue to call everyone to let them know if they have a position in the match or if they're on the waiting list.

Hotel info... We're using the same hotel as last year - the Country Inn and Suites by Carlton in Mesa. 480-641-8000. 6650 East Superstition Springs Boulevard, Mesa AZ 85206

My computer is slowly coming back to life, so it will be a while before I get everyone entered into a searchable database. Please feel free to drop me a line at my home email or here on BEnos.com.

AZ Stats Chic/A2Chic :ph34r:


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I received this last night. Any comments?


----- Original Message -----

From: [edit to remove name and email addy]

To: rlamarca@cox.net

Cc: president@uspsa.org

Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 11:11 PM

Subject: Match Filled by Aug 6?


Your announcement that the Area 2 Desert Classic being full sounds like a major screw-up / fiasco has occurred.

Were any slots earmarked for the large number of local Area 2 Practical shooters that are the bread and butter of our club on a week in - week out basis?

Is there a count of exactly how many local Area 2 shooters actually received slots?

Since it is the Area 2 Championship, shouldn't Area 2 competitors be allocated a certain percentage of the available slots and have reasonable time to obtain them? Would a 2 week local advance sign-up period have been too much to ask? The match is, after all, not until Nov 10th.

How large is the current waiting list? 50? 100? 200? 300? Is there any realistic chance of a local Area 2 shooter getting a slot?

If a large number of local Area 2 shooters are now effectively shut out of this match, have you considered adding a match day to increase the total number of competitors? Do you have any idea how many local shooters are gonna be really P.O 'ed about this? These are the people who have, through the years, participated in and helped to make this match what it is today.

Local Area 2 shooters should be allocated ample slots and given an opportunity to obtain them before they are made available to the general USPSA membership. We have one of the most active clubs in the country. Local members should get first shot (PUN INTENDED) at the allocation of slots.

Perhaps you can post pertinent answers/data on the Rio Salado website or send another e-mail to the membership explaining how this was allowed to happen in the first place.

As a suggestion, if you have not yet begun to mail out match packets, you might consider delaying that process for a week... allocating a reasonable number of slots for local competitors and giving us a small window of opportunity to secure them.


[edit to remove name]

Cc: USPSA President Michael Voigt


A2Chic :ph34r:

Edited by Flexmoney
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sounds to me like [edit] hasn't learned to react to the sound of the buzzer.   Little bit slow on the draw.


I can understand the feelings, but it was announced a month ahead of time that the opening day was 1 Aug and that you should get your apps in fast! That gave 30 days to get ready. As far as the club thing goes, I think club members should get priority treatment at club events. This is a Area 2 event, hosted at the club. That's different. The people that work the match can shoot the match. Want in with the club? Sign up to work the match! Besides, if you think the locals should have an advantage, they do. They can certainly get their applications through the local post a ton quicker than us non-locals. All they have to do is drive over to the 85207 post office on Sunday Night. Slam dunk.

All I can say is next year is going to be interesting... ;)



Edited by Flexmoney
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Your announcement that the Area 2 Desert Classic being full sounds like a major screw-up / fiasco has occurred.

Were any slots earmarked for the large number of local Area 2 Practical shooters that are the bread and butter of our club on a week in - week out basis?

You might want to consider telling this person that nobody raised this issue at the match planning meetings (if this is indeed the case), and that they are welcome to join the match team in 2006 and make their suggestions known at the planning sessions.

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Good one John!!!!

I got an ALPHA on that draw

Shooter # 213. 

I'm booking flights/hotel this morning.

See you there

Looks like I won't be seeing you there, Dan. <_<

I procastinated a few days too many.

Maybe instead I'll go to Hop's southern revolver championship thingy. Providing they will allow a northener to shoot. :D

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AZ Stats Chic,

how many entries?


We have 12 stages / 24 squads / 12 competitors per squad = 288 max squadded

288 - 60 sponsored = 228

228 - 8 staff shooting squadded = 220

I have received 210 applications to-date.

The balance will be staff and a few vendors shooting on Thursday = approx 350 max.

A2Chic :ph34r:

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The announcement was made more than 30 days out when apps would be accepted. This match allways fills up fast and after last years match and the front site articles made this year fill up in 5 days. We can't hold spots for anyone it would not be fair, they have to be on first come first served format. We recieved apps that made it in time from all over the world so you can't say we did not get the word out. Congradulations to those who made it and Were sorry to those who did'nt.

Paul Caudill

Desert Classic Match Director

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Maybe my math is wrong but hereis the total I came up with

210 Apps

60 Sponsered

8 Staff

278 Total

Then you have 72 slots for vendors = 350 max. Thats alot of vendors. Is the match limited to 288 total for the Fri, Sat, Sun shoot, and 72 vendors shoot on thur? I am having a hard time understanding how the figures are arrived at.


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Maybe my math is wrong but hereis the total I came up with

210 Apps

60 Sponsered

  8 Staff

278 Total

Then you have 72 slots for vendors = 350 max. Thats alot of vendors. Is the match limited to 288 total for the Fri, Sat, Sun shoot, and 72 vendors shoot on thur? I am having a hard time understanding how the figures are arrived at.


I still have 10 openings, which will more than likely fill up after today's mail.

350-288 = 62 (not 72)

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Hi all,

I did some editing to remove the name and email address of the author of the feedback.

We can likley get by with some friendly discussion on the topic, but we can't get into "airing the laundry" here on Brian's Forum. And, we certainly don't want to put a fellow shooter on the hot seat for expressing his views. (I'm sure that wasn't the intent, but it would likely be the result.)


Kyle F.


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Woo-Hoo!!! I'm in. Just got the call. This is gonna be a great time. I can't wait to shoot down there. :D

Azone 41:

I think AZ Stats Chic meant that she needs those additional 62 slots for vendors and staff on Thursday. She only has 8 staffers shooting with the general squads. I highly doubt that a mere 8 people are running this whole match, RO'ing and such. There are probably 30-40 of those 62 slots reserved for staffers on Thursday. I think that is where the misunderstanding is.


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That local shooter sounds frustrated, poor guy wanted to shoot the match and got shut out in less than a week. :(

The thing that seems odd to me Barb is the extra hype that's been going into promoting the Desert Classic lately. Everyone who's paid their dues in this sport knows the match is a must-attend and that it fills up fast. No extra advertising is needed...please. ;)

What I fear is that the folks who had planned 8 months ago to attend this years match (but at Disneyland with the kids on summer break) could've been beaten to the punch by internet-junkie who just happen to be lurking on Brian's forums when the dinner bell rang.

Maybe what I'll do next year is buy 10 slots to the match and then sell them on EBAY for $500/each.

I hope I'm not jumping the gun here, but is it too early to apply for next years match? How'bout '07?....'08?

I think the best reply the the shooter who wrote that letter is to guarantee him a spot for next years match.

Just comments,

(and for the record I wasn't planning on attending this year, but will next year)


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On this one I think that the guy that John Rod called " A little slow on the draw." has a point. Really a couple of them since it is an AREA match.

But I suppose it's also time to face reality and figure that getting into matches like this are also becoming, if they haven't already been, a part of the game. So now we get to game getting applications in ahead of others - that's OK.

What are the rules going to be for this part of the game?

Do ALL applications have to be posted on the first allowable day to be accepted?

How about international submissions?

Can applications be hand delivered on the first day of accepting applications by the actual applicant? Can somebody else hand deliver the application for him/her/it?

How early, and to whom?

It's a game and it's the game we play. We may just have to look at getting in as part of that game. We might not like some parts of the game but that's just the way it is. All we need is for the rules to apply across the board.

No big deal.

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Speaking for those slow on the draw I have no one but myself to blame. I was told yet took no action in a timely manner, I don't get to go.

Actually I see it as a healthy sign for the sport that there is such a demand for a match. What makes area 2 matches so special and how do you emulate that in other areas?

See you next year....

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What makes area 2 matches so special and how do you emulate that in other areas?

I think it's because it is so late in the year there are no other matches; quality and creative stage designs; location (shooting mecca); top shooters attending and great prize table :) plus the article in Front Sight helped.

If I can send my app in (Aug. 01) from across the Pacific Ocean and still get in...then those who really want to attend can do it too :ph34r: .

See you guys there :P


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Area 2 is easy to emulate.

Take great people that can organize things, add great staff, a great range, wonderful stages, great weather, toss in a lot of hard work than add great shooters.

Really, a lot of folks who love the sport with a lot of experience and knowledge working very smart and hard.

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Speaking for those slow on the draw I have no one but myself to blame. I was told yet took no action in a timely manner, I don't get to go.

Actually I see it as a healthy sign for the sport that there is such a demand for a match.  What makes area 2 matches so special and how do you emulate that in other areas?

See you next year....

The match organizers, like AZStatsChick, make it special. They put in countless hours planning every aspect of this match. Having the best run match with the best stages and crew goes a long way. The fact that the match sells out so fast every year bears this out.


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I want to attend the A2 match next year. However, I do believe that a certain block of slots should be reserved for A2 shooters, and that the folks from out of the area can compete for the remaining slots. Once you realize how the US Mail works, you realize how everyone everywhere competing for the same block of slots is somewhat unfair to the locals. FedEx actually is the carrier for most US Mail now. That means that the unlucky bloke living 100 miles away, might have his mail put on a canoe and paddled around the backwaters for 4 days, while some guy in NY will have his letter sent on the plane and it shows up the next day.

It's such a popular and renowned match, it's a shame that it can't be expanded to accomodate more shooters. :(


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