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RCBS ProChucker 5, Die arrangement?

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Rookie alert! Please indulge me with my naive' questions...

I'm struggling to find good info on setting up the 5 stations of my first reloading press.


Can I lay out the the PC5 like this:


1. Sizing die.

2. Powder-Through Expanding die. (Lee? other?)

3. RCBS Lock-out die.

4. Seating die.

5. Crimp die.


I haven't been able to determine if the Lee (or similar) powder-through die will function on the PC5. Anyone know?

If yes, anything special required to rig it up?

If no, then is the following the best (safest) alternative way to go? 


1. Sizing die.

2. Expander die.

3. Powder dump die.

4. RCBS Lock-out die.

5. Seat/crimp combo die.


For the foreseeable future I'll just be loading common 9mm Luger for Tier 1 USPSA and Steel Challenge use.

I'm leaning toward the Hornady dies as I like the external clamp feature, but I'm not married to the idea...


What sayeth the experienced?

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I have a RCBS Pro 2000. It's a 5 station with a manual advance shell plate. My die set is:


Station 1-Size & De-prime

Station 2-Flare/Powder drop using RCBS powder drop

Station 3-Bullet drop using RCBS bullet feeder

Station 4-Bullet seat using Redding competition bullet seater

Station 5-Crimp die using Redding crimp die.

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