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Case Separation

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I’ve only had one case separation. The next round would not chamber. My son tried several times, so the mouth of the piece was swaged inward enough to catch it with a cleaning rod. Came right out. 

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Have not had it happen to me, but another shooter at my club had one during his first match with his PCC.  It did not chamber the next round, but he didn't realize what had happened, so he kept racking and pushing it in harder with each new rack of the bolt.  He ended up needing a rod and hammer to remove it.

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For those of you who have had separations, are you running a lightened bolt (or a carrier with the weight removed)?  I'm curious as to whether a lighter bolt, which would start to move sooner and cause extraction at higher pressures than a heavier one, might be part of the cause.

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  • 3 weeks later...
For those of you who have had separations, are you running a lightened bolt (or a carrier with the weight removed)?  I'm curious as to whether a lighter bolt, which would start to move sooner and cause extraction at higher pressures than a heavier one, might be part of the cause.

Yes, I use a lightened bolt and soft buffer with my Steel Challenge loads. Early on I had several case separations with cases like these:
Aside from stepped brass, I believe Federal makes a 9mm casing with what looks like a belt or perforation ring around it. I’ve had some of those separate too, so I watch for them now. I made a removal tool for stubborn brass rings that won’t come out with a pick.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/23/2018 at 1:26 PM, JAFO said:

Have not had it happen to me, but another shooter at my club had one during his first match with his PCC.  It did not chamber the next round, but he didn't realize what had happened, so he kept racking and pushing it in harder with each new rack of the bolt.  He ended up needing a rod and hammer to remove it.

That sounds like my first PCC match...happened again on the practice range too. That gun is no longer with me.

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