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evolution pro foot print needed

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I ordered an evolution pro last week.  I recently moved, and will be building a new bench soon.  I found 39" tall 19.5" wide, 14 deep.  I am looking for the dimensions that encompass the entire press, as in the size of a box that would cover it up.  Also on the mark 7 site found 19" wide and 25" deep.  One more thing if known, the spacing for the mounting bolts (to ensure they don't end up going through the frame of the press).  Trying to make sure I have room on the bench and want to put shelves behind it as well. 

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I'd expect the Evo Pro dimensions to be very similar to the 1050 Pro dimensions as the Evo can be retrofitted to the 1050 Pro base. 

41" tall (104 cm) x 16" wide (40.6 cm) x 20" deep (50.8 cm) 


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