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Critique my crimp


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First ammo off the line. Bayou 160 gr. .38 special. I used the 1.475" OAL for semi wadcutter off the Hodgton site (verified in my book). This is the regular set die from RCBS which I believe gives a roll crimp. I set the die to make it through the gauge with the least amount of crimp. Bayou says their bullets need a taper crimp. Do I need a taper die?


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19 minutes ago, Hi-Power Jack said:

Looks okay for a Minor load.


If that's a Major load, you might want more crimp, in a revolver - or is this a semi-auto ?


Going for ICORE where PF is 120 and yes this is for revolver.

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6 hours ago, jcc7x7 said:

I load the same bullet at 1.500 with a .002 crimp.

Loads into cyl easily and I don't have any smoke issues.

1.500 keeps it off the ogive.

I agree, it looks like you are seating the bullet a bit to deep. Increase your OAL a little. I use some Bayous in my short colt and I use a light roll crimp with mine.

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6 hours ago, IDescribe said:

Why did you use a published OAL for an SWC load with an RN bullet?


Because I could not find published OAL for RN at that size. RN data seems to stop at 124 gr. Even Eggleston (who is the only coated bullet manufacturer I've found with the bravery to publish load data).


6 hours ago, jcc7x7 said:

I load the same bullet at 1.500 with a .002 crimp.

Loads into cyl easily and I don't have any smoke issues.

1.500 keeps it off the ogive.


Thanks. Yes, I found through a google search (dangerous, I know) someone who was loading at that length and tried it. My 1.5's saw a slight increase in accuracy but the crimp looked a little strange. Perhaps a taper die is in order for this length. Someone else was loading these at 1.545 (I'm aware that .38 sp is not recommended beyond 1.55) but when I tried that length, I could not get it to plunk.

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10 minutes ago, mchapman said:

I agree, it looks like you are seating the bullet a bit to deep. Increase your OAL a little. I use some Bayous in my short colt and I use a light roll crimp with mine.


Great feedback, thanks. I'm beginning to wonder if the 160's are better suited to short colt and I should try one size smaller next time. As I'm brand new to hand loading, I'm sticking to .38 sp brass for now just to keep it simple.

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160 bayou s are great in 38 spl. No need to change.

Set your crimp roll or taper to remove Bell and Very slightly push on bullet.

What Revo are you using these in.

38. Or 357 cyl?

Edited by jcc7x7
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3 minutes ago, jcc7x7 said:

160 bayou s are great in 38 spl. No need to change.

Set your crimp roll or taper to remove Bell and Very slightly push on bullet.

What Revo are you using these in.

38. Or 357 cyl?


Smith 66, 357

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