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Cleaning Comp on Open gun


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2 hours ago, HowardM said:

Sorry new hear still trying to learn the site 

Don’t sweat it. I honestly wonder if new folks even know there is a search function here. Suffice it to say that practically any question you can think of has been asked anywhere from a dozen to a hundred times.

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3 hours ago, Hi-Power Jack said:

BTW, if you use completely jacketed bullets ( JHP's or CMJ's) you won't have to

clean your comp    :) 

Not for me. I shoot Jacketed only and I get a lot of buildup. Must be carbon from AutoComp.

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I poured gun oil (yes yes i know i know, not the best or optimal) and let it soak for 24'ish hours. After that I proceeded to continue with a flathead screwdriver (and a hammer for the super tough parts).





At first I was scared that I might damage the barrel as I managed to discover something shiny, but at some point I just thought "screw it" and kept going and eventually hit a gray spot. At that moment I realized that the carbon buildup was so tough that it was shiny after scraped. No mercy after that, now I have a clean comp :D

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59 minutes ago, Blurryvisions said:

How often do you do you spray the oil into the comp?


I clean my gun after every match, and probably spray ballistol in the comp every 4th cleaning or so, or when it starts to really build up.

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