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DIY Mad Scientist Lead removal from Comp


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Ok, I shoot coated bullets in 9 Major. Lead build up in comp is a fact of life . Not ready to spend the more on jacketed bullets so how do you clean...


Tried this home brew electrolysis and it is working! 


USB phone charger, 5volts, 250 mA. Some wire and a copper bore brush, cleaning vinegar . Negative to the brush and positive to the barrel. No need for rod in barrel like the Outers fancy job.



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If you are working with stainless steel, a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and peroxide will do a good job of cleaning out the lead.


You can also use it on carbon steel but do so with caution.  Do not leave it soak for more than 15 minutes.   Longer can pit the metal.  A lot longer can put holes in it. (The voice of experience.)

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4 hours ago, Broncman said:

Do you leave the finish matte? 

Believe I am just going to Precision Delta...

I buff it out. But as much as I try to shoot in summer. Not worried about it’s looks. 

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I got it all cleaned up. No lead now, but was too time consuming. Never liked the idea of blasting the comp.


So, I just ordered some Precision Delta hp's.


For some reason, my PCC comp cleans up much easier than my open pistol.

 I will save my Blue Bullets for my CO pistol.

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After shooting, saturate your comp internal ports with Kroil, applied liberally with a Q-tip. Allow it to soak over night. The next day, shoot a few rounds through it and it will blow all the accumulated chunks of lead or carbon out. Kroil won’t remove burnt powder stains so after shooting it, you can use the same technique to apply brake fluid (not brake cleaner) to the burnt powder stains. Allow it to soak for 10 minutes and flush with your favorite solvent and it will be as shiny and clean as new.

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As firm a believer in Kroil as I am (30+years in industrial mechanics),

It did nothing for my lead build up in my comp. Let it soak in a cup of it for a day, and it still was hard as heck to remove.


Brake fluid for carbon removal? Hmm...

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10 hours ago, Broncman said:

As firm a believer in Kroil as I am (30+years in industrial mechanics),

It did nothing for my lead build up in my comp. Let it soak in a cup of it for a day, and it still was hard as heck to remove.


Brake fluid for carbon removal? Hmm...

I shoot coated lead exclusively in my comps too and Kroil applied with a Q-tip has always worked for me. May I suggest you try not submerging it but only coating it and see if that makes a difference? Yep, I just stumbled on the brake fluid thing by pure accident. I use el cheapo Valuecraft  brake fluid but I doubt the brand really makes a difference. My KKM barrels get carbon stained around the hood and chamber and the brake fluid dissolves the stains in 10 minutes.

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