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Favorite shooting technique


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What is everyone's favorite shooting technique? That is for rifles, pistols, grenade launchers I don't care what kind of weapon, what is your favorite shooting stance with it. A picture or two showing you using that technique would be great as well!

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Because in order for the bb to shoot far, you have to put backspin on it, and if you hold it weird then it won't spin right. My HKMP7 can shoot probably 200 feet holding it right, but when you hold it sideways, the bb curves "up" or towards the top of the gun. 

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Airsoft is a lot of fun, it hurts a little when you get hit, but not for very long. I'd definitely recommend my HKMP7, but it is a Gas blowback gun. They take a lot of work to keep running, and they're pretty tricky to use. For your first gun I'd get an AEG (automatic electric gun), they are very reliable, and much easier to maintain than a Gas gun. The VFC VR16 avalon is the best AEG on the market rn.

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