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Rem R1 or STI Hawk...?


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I've been following these forums for a while and find the information super helpful but I havent actually posted - so hello.


Searching these and other forums I didnt really find too much on the question I have so would love opinions from people here. I used to shoot IPSC a decent amount in Australia many years back and am just getting back into practical shooting now that I am living in the USA, either USPSA or IDPA (or a little of both). To get back in, I'm looking to get a double stack 1911 (or 2011) in 9mm and not wanting to drop a huge amount of cash so two options that seemed to stand out for me were the Remington R1 and the new STI Hawk. I've read mixed reviews on both but nothing really comparing the two.


The price points are not too far off ($1310 and $1499) and they seem fairly comparable on the specs sheet. I'd like to leap the Rock Island, even though the $900ish for that is appealing.


Any thoughts, advice or comparisons you can provide appreciated.




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Personally, I'd go with the STI for a lot of reasons.  I started USPSA with a RIA Pro Match, which is basically an all steel double stack 1911 like the Remingtons, so I have some experience there.  Now I shoot a CK Arms in USPSA and a limited SHOT 2017 STI for 3gun.  My dad has the Hawk for 3gun, so I've gotten some hands on with it.  I haven't shot the Remington double stacks, but I've shot some of their 1911's.


1.  It's S70, while I'm fairly sure the Remingtons are S80.

2.  It's modular and can grow with you.  Naturally there are parts you can replace on both guns, but on the STI you can stipple and/or replace the whole grip.

3.  Quality.  Yes, there are better options than STI at a price premium, but as far as factory pistols go I just don't think the two brands are comparable.

4.  Resale value.  If you decide to sell for any reason, whether you are getting out of the sports or just moving onto something nicer, the STI is going to hold value better.

5.  Fairly sure the Remingtons use a lot of MIM parts, while I seem to recall hearing that STI isn't using any MIM nowadays.

6.  Your magazines will be useless if you get the R1 and later switch to a 2011 platform.  If you start with the Hawk, you could sell the firearm and use the mags in your next upgrade.  Sounds silly, but you'll find that magazines are quite expensive, so this adds up.


Now, none of this is to say that big cheap steel 2011 knock-off's don't have a place.  They do...I started with one, and for $800 I don't think it could have been beat.  All that said, my advice is to take them for what they are - a cheaper option to get into the double stack 1911 game.  Except the R1 isn't really much cheaper, so what's the point?  If I wanted a cheaper option to get started, I'd go with a MAC or RIA.  If I had $1500 to spend, as you say, I'd choose the STI for all of the reasons I mentioned above.  Just my two cents...


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My advice is don't get a 9mm because minor.  And that eliminates the Hawk, cause it is 9mm only.  From there a used Sti or Para, or new RIA, Remington, or Plastic gun, depending on budget and what you like.  If you are going to get a limited gun (which is where the ones you listed fit) you are going to want a 40 eventually so might as well start there.

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Finding a "do-it-all" gun for both IDPA and USPSA kind of puts you in a difficult spot. So before choosing a gun I'd look harder at what your true intended usage is and then decide. As there are some definite compromises one way or another if you really decide you're going to go into it doing both. With either of these you're stuck in ESP for IDPA. So then in USPSA you're looking at L10 or Limited. The weights are different. The magwells are different. The holsters are different. The mag capacity can be different. The scoring is different.


A guy locally just started shooting a R1 in 9mm and let me shoot it. It seems just fine. I've had a few STI guns and they were nice also, but they no longer make a 45 Trojan or a 40 Eagle which were two of what I owned.


Looking at it purely from a competitive stand point I'd choose a gun that takes "regular" 2011 mags versus one that takes Para. So your STI choice in this case.

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Thanks for the help and advice everyone! Very useful :)


I've been leaning toward the STI but wanted to check all the bases and learn about comparable options. The STI Hawk doesnt have a huge number of reviews out there being so new and where I was thinking was do I go a little cheaper given I'm getting back into the sport and then upgrade to an STI edge in a year or so (and therefore major with a .40). I did think about cheaper options like Rock island as my new (re)entry level, but havent heard great things about them from the people I spoke to - maybe I need to get somewhere and try shoot one too. 


Ideally, I'll shoot 9mm for the next 12 months then upgrade to a bigger cal, that's the plan anyway. If I went a hawk and eventually an Edge I'll have a little STI family and can keep using the Hawk for 3 gun and the Edge for other comps. 


Elcidaviator - I didnt have the CZ on the list we then we're pushing the price up a little more.

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For what it’s worth i shot an RIA 9mm double for about 6 months and with the exception of a broken barrel link it ran well. I ended up selling it and buying a used Edge and haven’t looked back.

if you are going to go major eventually I’d recommend trying to find a used Edge, you won’t have to change holsters, mag pouches etc and you’ll start off with the ‘gold standard’ for 2011s

My $.02


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