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I had a chance to shoot an Accu Shadow Match...


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Someone local let me shoot theirs, and I had my 91030, to compare.  My understanding is that the Match is basically a 91030, with the addition of the bushing and match barrel.


I was surprised to find that it shot identical sized groups as my Shadow.  I was expecting a noticeable difference, like maybe the Match groups would be 50% of the size of mine.  I've seen tons of reviews where people rave about the Accu, and I would hope the barrel would only help.


I was shooting from a rest and using the same ammo.  Just odd...

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7 minutes ago, George16 said:

Most of the times, it’s about the Indian and not the arrow.


Sometimes, I agree. 


And I'm sure there's some cognitive dissonance as well.  You pay $1800 for a pistol, you expect it to shoot well.


But when I'm testing different loads, I scan my targets and measure with OnTarget software and I can consistently see 1/4" differences.  So, I would expect to see some difference between the two pistols.


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If the stock bushing is already tight and the barrel to slide lockup is nice, adding the accubushing might not give you a significant improvement from stock. Same thing goes with CGWs bushing. If the initial fit is already nice, adding the CGW bushing won’t yield significant improvement as well.


On the flip side of it, if the initial barrel, stock bushing and slide lock up is not great, then adding the accubushing or CGW bushing will yield discernable/significant improvement from stock setup.

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