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Anybody shoot green dot?

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Thinking of upgrading from a Holosun 503c to a 510c with these 4th of July sales but I'm curious with the green dot.


Anybody shoot green dot? Do you prefer it over the red dot? Does it pop out more? Or is it just the same? Thanks.

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I am also debating between the red and green HS510c, so I may not be so much help in your decision, but wanted to ask if you saw any good deals on either one.  I have been watching the usual places but have not come across a deal yet.

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I prefer a green fiber optic on my Production gun, hands down.  So I would probably prefer green on my PCC, too.  But they aren't as easy to find (or as cheap) as red.  Plus I have a primary and offset dot, and I'd have to replace both or that would just be too weird.

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For me there is a clear advantage running a green dot over the red. I shoot pistol and pcc with both eyes open and a target focus. Green easily appears in my overall picture better than red. I know part of it has to do where green light is positioned in the visible spectrum.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

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15 hours ago, Zeros said:

I am also debating between the red and green HS510c, so I may not be so much help in your decision, but wanted to ask if you saw any good deals on either one.  I have been watching the usual places but have not come across a deal yet.

I just grabbed a red version off GrabAGun “GrabAQuote” option for $240 shipped.

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The human eye is supposed to pick up green better than red. I have tried green fiber optics and green dots and I personally like red better. Maybe, you just can’t teach old dogs new tricks??

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