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Another dry fire tool!


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This new, to me at least, dry fire tool now has some extra relevance. They are the dry fire training banners from www.steelshootbanners.com . I found them because I was looking to get better at Steel Challenge and they are/were awesome at helping me there. The fact that they make it so easy to be repeatable and visualize the runs because they are photo realistic is just awesome.


More topical today is they've now started doing USPSA classifiers for banners and then some good target arrays just for training. Now that most of the classifiers got harder to do well on, this could really be the type of thing that pushes a person that little bit better. I have some of them on the way!


Here is a video showing a Steel Challenge version and sharing my thoughts and experiences.


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Good golly, I am embarrassed to say that it never occurred to me that my garage door could be magnetic : )

Thank you so much for taking the time to make the video and share your thoughts on the dry fire banners. 

I appreciate you on many levels!  Your "organizing ladder" also warms the cockles of my OCD heart.

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I have all of them as well.  Great to work with.  If you dont know, Ken's book is pretty good too.  Dont agree with all of it, but has some really good mental perspective and great training formats.

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I've been using his banners for a couple of months now.  Went from B to master in a month.  It's a easy tool to use.  I haven't tried any of the USPSA banners yet.  I'm shooting with Ken this Saturday.  I'll have to ask about them in detail.

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Rowdy - were you not pulling the trigger after the first DA pull?  


To others - I used something similar when I used to shoot trap (google "terry jordan wall chart" if interested).   It ABSOLUTELY helped me get better, not just for the muscle memory part but in seeing my bad habits (lifting my head, pulling the gun because I was anticipating recoil etc.).  


The other benefit of using a garage for dry fire is it can be roughly the same temp as how you'll be shooting when outside, so you're wearing the same clothes as when shooting outside, your hands will sweat the same (or be cold the same) etc.

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4 hours ago, stick said:

I've been using his banners for a couple of months now.  Went from B to master in a month.  It's a easy tool to use.  I haven't tried any of the USPSA banners yet.  I'm shooting with Ken this Saturday.  I'll have to ask about them in detail.


Hey, thank him for his work on the banners and book.  Although I was already GM in 2 divisions, it’s been a big help.  Glad to hear your success. Hoping steelmjust explodes in the next few years.

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4 hours ago, LMS said:

Rowdy - were you not pulling the trigger after the first DA pull?

Correct. I do the DA fist pull like normal. Then my remaining trigger pulls are just to the point of reset and back. So there is some trigger movement and matches closer to the SA pull rather than doing repeated DA pulls. Which I feel doing repeated DA pulls is counter productive when doing something like this.

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7 hours ago, LMS said:



The other benefit of using a garage for dry fire is it can be roughly the same temp as how you'll be shooting when outside, so you're wearing the same clothes as when shooting outside, your hands will sweat the same (or be cold the same) etc.

Great point.  That's why I only use the banners outside on the side of my shed.  It simulates the lighting, wind & temperature i'm likely to encounter at a match.  I also know what my dot would look like under certain Florida conditions.

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The one thing I don't like about my garage is artificial light versus sunlight. There is a difference. But I do love looking at a picture of a bay/berm with the targets included versus just cardboard on the door. It adds to the realism.

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4 hours ago, LuvDog said:

Do you wear those flips flops on match day? ?

When I raced mountain bikes I was notorious for forgetting my race shoes and showing up in my flip flops. I ended up having two pairs of shoes to correct my constant oversight. One time I did fly to a match, from San Diego so I was in flip flops. And they were the only shoes I had. I went to a 24 hour WalMart at 530am before the match just to get some semi tolerable footwear.

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I bought the full set of Steel Challenge here last year and they sat in storage as we moved. I just pulled them out of a box and want to start using them but they never came with instructions. I watched a few video and the one on Steeshotbanners.com and all mention standing at 5' and 10' with the top of the round targets set at 5' off the ground. However, I have no idea what targets need to be set up at the 5' or 10' distances. Do you have the instructions that are mentioned in the video? Can you attach a copy? Thanks in advance.

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On 11/11/2019 at 5:42 PM, Towman92266 said:

I just ordered a set of 4. This is such a newbie question, but how do you know if you scored hits or not? Shot calling?

shot calling.  It's good practice to learn to see where your sights were when you broke the shot.  A month or two of daily practice and you'll start seeing, and knowing where your sights were (or if they weren't aligned).  Its also how you know to throw a makeup shot at a swinger or toss an extra slug in to make up for a D-zone.

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