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zev pro connector?

lefty o

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22 hours ago, lefty o said:

any opinions on the new pro connector vs the old v4. ive done a good number of trigger jobs using the v4  for the connector, but seems they killed it off.  how's the new one compare?



I used to buy Zev connectors by the dozen but quit buying them years ago when I received several dozen bad connectors which I had to trash.


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got the zev pro in, gave it a try in my gun, and it does away with the hard wall the V4 had, and lowers pull weight a few ounces compared to the V4. personal preference, but for a defensive pistol, i think the V4 is a better choice though it seems they quit making it.

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  • 9 months later...

So I ended up throwing one in the cart with my last order figuring it would be a worth a shot.  In my 34.5 the wall and reset happen at the same points as the oem minus connector but with a slight more roll to the break.  It makes for a nice and smooth action but could be perceived as a bit of mush.  In the end It's one of the better ones I've tried but I personally would still prefer the stock connector to it.   

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