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Prochrono won't connect when it's hot out?

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I've never had any issue with my Prochrono and Digital Link, although the last couple times I've taken it out it wouldn't connect.  At home, it connects.  But when I get outside, it won't connect.  This is Texas, so it's 95-100 outside, and in direct sunlight.


Anyone else have issues with theirs in the heat?

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Yeah, mine ran fine this spring.  And the chrono itself is working, but anything over about 90 degrees (shade or sunlight) and the digital link won't connect.  I was sort of hoping there was something wrong with mine.  lol

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FWIW, mine connects and runs fine in direct sun with the Digital Link no matter what the outside temp...and summer gets plenty hot in Louisiana...but I've never run it enclosed.



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