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Page back operation


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I'm using Firefox (whatever the latest version is, it updates automatically). I've experienced a change in the way the forum reacts to the "page back" function. This change started 2 or 3 days ago. For as long as I've been on this forum, when I log in I choose, "New posts" option. Then I scroll through them and read the ones that look interesting. When done, I page back and was returned to the spot (minus the post that I just read) on the list where I was. Now, instead of returning to the same place on the list, it returns to the spot for an instant, then goes to the top of the list and adds any new posts that were added while I was reading the post (if there are any). To get back to where I was I need to scroll back down through all the same posts. Not a bid deal, just different and kind of a  PITA.

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  • 3 months later...

I just noticed something else about this problem. The jump to the top of the page when using the back button only happens on a page that was generated by the "Unread content" button.  you can navigate into and out of forums from the main page and the back button always takes you back to the entry link. On a Unread content page, it briefly displays the origin link then jumps to the top of the page. As I mentioned above the "#" is appended to the path name when the "Unread content" button is used.


The formal name for this is fragment identifier: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragment_identifier

When appended to a URL, this tells the browser to scroll to the line in the target page that has that identifier. The link above has identified our problem:


" A URI ending with # is permitted by the generic syntax and is a kind of empty fragment. In MIME document types such as text/html or any XML type, empty identifiers to match this syntactically legal construct are not permitted. Web browsers typically display the top of the document for an empty fragment. "


So, the code that generates the Unread Content button is inserting an unnecessary identifier or it is not generating a identifier for the source link. In either case, this is a forum bug and not a browser bug.


Who ever is in touch with the developers at Invision should pass on this info.

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