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Cleaning Mags -- Blowback Semi-autos


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Years ago when I first purchased a CZ and before YouTube had coverage of what I needed, I purchased a AGI (American Gunsmithing Institute) DVD on disassembly/assembly of CZ 75 series pistols.  The presenter said he cleaned everything using Simple Green (I always refer to is a Soylent Green.  I know, poor humor.  If you are old enough to know what Soylent Green is, I guess you are getting older and uglier as I am.  Those of you who don't know, figure out how to find out what Soylen Green is.).  The presenter then spreads the parts on a cookie sheet with raised edges and into the oven on 200 degrees or so for 5-10 minutes to dry.  Now to mags.


A friend said he cleaned his PCC mags using soap and water.  They are plastic for at some of his PCCs.  I tried it today using a 10:1 mixture of Soylent Green and water and it did a better job of cleaning my mags than anything else I've tried.  Also, quicker and easier.  For really stubborn areas, I sprayed SG directly on the area and brushed.  Used a nylon brush to clean mags.  Rinsed, dried and reassembled.  


May well be my new way to clean some gun parts.


YMMV. And, I hope this is a helpful tip.

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I'd caution that the garden-variety (Original Formula) Simple Green is not something that you'd want to be using on anything aluminum... they make another version called Extreme Aircraft & Precision Equipment Cleaner that won't eat up aluminum.


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