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Occasional failure to go in battery on slide lock reload


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I have a Shadow that digested 1500 rounds of Freedom 124 hollow point with no issues. Started shooting Federal Action Pistol 150s and occasional inconsistent failure to go into battery only on slide lock reload in IDPA. Never any issue feeding while firing.

Any ideas?




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You may want to ask a mod to move this thread to the CZ forum. And you may look around there to see if this has happened to someone else ?

ETA: here is a reloading-related question: Did you plunk test your ammo? If it is a bit too long, it could cause what you are seeing.

Edited by ChuckS
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If the slide isn't going into battery the round is probably too long for your Shadow (as previously suggested plunk the rounds to confirm). If it's a failure to feed then it could be a multitude of things.

Edited by 4n2t0
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