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2007 Gold Custom Eric barrel


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Cleaning gun tonight for match. Noticed the barrel is slightly loose in the comp sleeve. Can move it by hand slightly where port holes will misalign a little.  Wont pull out and won't move but just a little. Concerned.


Runs uspsa major reloads at 170 pf


edit:  new to coned comps. Took it apart, red loctite.

Edited by Hammer002
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I had a similar issue on my Tanfo V12.  My first attempt was using Loctite 620 (Green),  still came loose.   Then I re-prepped and applied "Rockset" rather than Loctite and it is functioning fine..


I am sure you aligned the sleeve holes with the barrel holes perfectly and ensured that the barrel/comp length (number of turns) allows FOR proper lockup. 


I included a pic of the Tanfo comp, sleeve, barrel for anyone else curious of the Tanfo platform.


Good Shooting....

Tanfo Rockset.JPG

Edited by Austin111
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