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Stag Arms 3G Load data suggestions

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I have a new Stag 3G and am looking for anyone that has experience loading accurate ammunition for this rifle.  It will be used for competition shooting, mainly at 100 to 200 yards.  

I am thinking of using BLC2 for powder but am open to suggestions.  I have tried my 55g fmj frontiers over BLC2 and it doesn’t particularly shoot these well.

Thanks for your help.

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I don't believe there are any loads developed specifically for

one brand of firearm, whether pistol or rifle.


What will work great for one Stag may not be the best in another Stag,

but a load developed for a S&W .223 might work perfectly in Your Stag.


But, good luck with it.




p.s.  I'm guessing the 10-shot ban is probably for rifles, also?

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