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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Assembly of Shadow 2


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Hi All, just wondering if there's any help that can be provided.


I've never disassembled past just a field strip, but of course I start to see a bunch of carbon buildup, and figured I need to learn to maintain my gun well.


I used a video to disassemble it, but didn't take pictures or mental snapshots of everything of course, so having a grand of a time putting it back together.


Want to make sure I put the sear cage back together correctly.


The hammer and disconnector(i think? I'm using CZ's illustration to identify parts) hooks into the trigger bar, and not sure until the sear cage is actually installed back is the disconnector suppose to just be able to freely move around like that.


I'm also having a hard time getting the sear cage back into where it's suppose to go as well, as nothing seems to fit well like normally pieces do.


Pretty sure the safety pieces are installed correctly as well, but my main concern is still getting the sear cage installed so I can function check rest of gun. 




This gives pictures of them.


Any help is appreciated thanks. 


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