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Shooting Range In Use Flag Ideas

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The pistol and rifle ranges at our local club use a red flag in a pipe stuck in the ground to show people that the range in question is in use.  This is pretty normal from what I've heard and seen.  We're looking for a better idea to keep the flag (of some sort) at the range and be able to show the range is in use.  This will prevent people from accidentaly taking the range flag home or forgetting to put it up in the first place.

We've thought about a stubby flag pole, or storage for the flag at the range instead of our club house already.  We're looking for a creative, different idea allowing us to keep some sort of flag, fabric, plastic or metal at our range and be able to display it when the range is in use.

Any good ideas?  Pics?

I appreciate the help in advance.  Thank you.

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Was at a range last weekend that had (not flags!) a sign that said "Range in Use" and "Range Closed Today" that had a flip down door. Range in use? Flip the door to show the sign. Pretty cool...

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I'm just used to having a flag. People see it from some distance without trying to see what it says.


The place I usually go to uses actual flagpoles. The place is divided into several areas, so the Practical area has a flag, the Clays area has several flags, each rifle range has one etc. The flag is never disconnected from the line.


Another place has flags on pieces of broom handle, and you put it into a bracket next to the door to the covered shooting places.



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Our range uses plastic red flags on two foot pipes attached to the bench. A cable from the pipe to the bench keeps them from walking off. In our case, it’s more of a range is hot warning. Another range I frequent uses a traffic cone outside the shelter.

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