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Blue Bullets for Glock 17,35


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Im new to loading coated bullets and looking to verify loads. In my Glock 35 im loading 180gr Blue Bullets for steel challenge and 147gr BBs for my grandsons Glock 17 for the same. Ive read different reports on various sites and looking for a good starting point.  I use Titegroup and WST.  What loads will put us at Minor and Major power for matches. Any and all info is appreciated and will make a good starting point. Both guns have stock barrels and Pyramid triggers as well as lighter springs. Thanks again everybody for the input. 

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Just over 3 grains titegroup with the 180’s should be a 40 minor load for the 35. May have been 3.2 (I used around a 10lb recoil spring with it).


4.2 should be close to major in same. You would want to chrono.


Been a few years since I shot that in my 35



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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I use 3.0 of titegroup with blue 147 fp at 1.135 for minor. in a stock gen 4 17 I get 132 PF and in a gen 4 34 with a 13# spring I get 135 PF.  Sorry I'm of no use to you for 40 loads.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I shoot 200gr bullets in my Glock 35's.  I shoot both major and minor.

Jim from SNS Casting advised me to not shoot Titegroup as it is a very

hot burning powder and can deform the base of his bullets.  My OAL for

G35 is 1.145 and they work perfectly.  I use WST and VV N320.

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3.2 of TG put me right at 130 with Blue 147s from a Gen 3 17. 


IIRC 1.14 was oal, only chrono'd the FPs, load ran with the RNs too.


Not home to check what I ran in my M&P 40 with 180s, kujo's data looks familiar.

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Thanks for all the great info. Sorry for not replying sooner to all of you, but i had a hernia that gave way and off to emergency surgery it was!!!  Ive got 6 weeks of down time to coach the grand kids on the re loader.  Im anxiuous to give these loads a try and ill certainly post the results.  Be safe everybody

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