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Stock 2 rear sight leaf height difference

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It seems like Tanfo mixes up parts just to piss you off.


Anyway my newer stock 2 has a different rear sight leaf than my older stock 2.


Newer is on the left.




With my preferred front sight (Tanfo 1.5 mm f.o. or EGD 1.0 mm clone) I can't get height adjusted down far enough on the newer gun at left in the picture. Would need either a .02" shorter rear or a taller EGD front.


Couple questions, anybody ever mess with grinding off the top of the leaf & grinding the window deeper? PD does not stock the taller EGD front sight, anyone know of somebody that you could buy them through (I'm in USA) ?

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Not a fan of the Dawson design for that gun. They can be made to work if you mar them for an interference fit & use loctite red but I'm unreasonably fussy about such things and my old eyes really like the 3.0mm wide EGD. 



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