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Recoil spring opinion for sig p320 RX


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I have a p320 full size that I'm running a non captured.270 dia. rod with a wolf 13lb spring in and seems to be about right for my loads. I have a full size p320 rx kit coming and I was wanting some opinions on the spring for it. I'm thinking I could just use the 13lb spring in it or maybe go to a 14lb.with the .270 dia rod that I'm already have.

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You can use it provided it suits the ammo you’re going to use. I tailor the recoil spring to my reloads for optimal results. In my case, I’m using a 10# recoil spring with a tungsten guide rod on my X5 for my 128-132pf reloads.


you can even try a 12# and see how it shoots but start with what you have first and tune from there.

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