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From watching television lately, it might be prudent to make

any AR-15 (and probably AK47, also) purchases you will need

to make.


Prices dropped a LOT after the last election, but lot of pressure

to increase all the prices again after the last high school shooting.


It'll be just like every time before. Gun owners will panic, buy anything they can, prices will sky rocket, 6 months later nothing happens, people try to sell off things they bought at high prices, nobody buys them, prices drop and they take a loss.
The massacre here in Vegas just happened 4 months ago, bump stocks and drums skyrocketed in price. Now they're right back to normal and the guys that spent 400 on a bump stock can't sell em for less than half that.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk


I have a feeling the 2A is just too well supported by the courts, lawmakers and the masses to ever take too much of a hit. Much worse than this has happened and nothing came of it. There are generally a handful of things to blame before the gun when these things happen.


Every time I buy a new gun I tell myself its an investment.  But when it comes a good time to sell, I just can't do it.


I've only sold one gun that was purchased with the intent of selling in the future.  Bought an H&K 91 (.308) in 1982.  Shot half a box through it and hated it.  Cleaned and stored in the safe for 32 years.  Actually made a profit when it sold.  ;)

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