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Local Match Review


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Got moved into C class in open, and still trying to get it all together. This is the full match video from a local match last weekend in Hattiesburg, Ms. Let me know what you guys see. Specifically stage 5 & 6. Always nice to have an extra set of eyes.



Edited by Broski
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Looks like you drop your hands a lot when you move costing you time bringing them back up when you get to next position. 


Are you trying to track your dot when you transition to targets? Trust your vision and snap to next target after you’ve fired your shoots. Seems based on the cadence of your shooting your looking for hits before moving to next target. 

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Can't see the hits, so I'll only address what's plainly visible. 


-You need to get the gun up WAY earlier when coming into position. 

-Set up wider and lower in an athletic stance.

-When it's time to run, actually RUN. 

-Snap your eyes to the next target during transitions. There were a few wide transitions where you were tracking the gun instead of hunting the next target. 

-Smoking can wait until after the stage (or, ya know, quit, but I digress). 

-Develop a routine that prevents distractions when you're getting close to your turn to shoot. Running to the wrong position from the table start is easy to eliminate with a few more minutes of dedicated visualization. 

-Spend time on drills that require "changing gears." Your splits were almost identical on far targets and ones you could almost touch. 

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In general, looks like you’re dropping your gun low during movement. You’re also possibly taking your weak hand off of the grip during movement when you don’t need to. 


On stage 3, you ran to the left then back to the right before engaging the first array. It looks to me like maybe you got “lost” on your way there. Maybe some more visualization would help?

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Thanks everyone. I certainly had a few times where my train of though derailed. The table start stage was the biggest one. I ended up changing my stage plan late and never really got it engrained in my mind before I shot. Should have just stuck with my original idea. I’m still working on staying low throughout the stage, I have seen some improvements but it’s not where it needs to be just yet. 

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C-class with a spiffy jersey and an elaborate “Shooter Broski” intro?


You know that looks a bit hilarious to people who are in the know regarding practical shooting, right? I completely used to be that guy too. ;) 


Footwork footwork footwork. Watch the feet of the top guys on youtube. Mute the audio to delete the splits and ignore the reloads and transitions. Just watch their bodies move into & out of positions.


Work hard on being that efficient.

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6 minutes ago, MemphisMechanic said:

C-class with a spiffy jersey and an elaborate “Shooter Broski” intro?



Rough dude, rough!


Seriously though, Memphis is spot on about watching the GM's at work.  I'd highly recommend Stoeger and JJ.  Yes Stoeger is production but his movement is beautiful, only stopping where he has to do so and sprints position to position.



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